Chapter 22 not finished so don't read plz

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"Are you sure you rather talk first? You are fully drenched in blood." Baizhu informs and shrugs his shoulders knowing he didn't care on if Zhongli was clean or not since he truly did wanted to talk first. He sighs that he didn't need to go through the teachings of a female cycle with (Y/N) in front of the Archon. He looks behind him at his daughters closed door to her room. And turns around facing forward to leave with zhongli by his side to the living room.

Changsheng had transformed into her mortal form and helped (Y/N) get cleaned up as the two ioomales were gone out of sight

Zhongli then looked on his attire and sighed, it did look like he just murdered people. "I'll.... Find something later... The poor child's state comes first," He explained, looking at the green haired male. He too was uncomfortable with the fact that he is drenched with blood but it's not like he could as for any spare change.

"If you say so than have a seat." Baizhu sits down on the living couch and nods his head at the one across from him as a signal for zhongli to sit there.

The dark-brown haired man nodded and sat down properly and started his explanation, "Last night, I was patrolling the area and suddenly, Xiao alerted me about your daughter in trouble. So I came as fast as I could to check on her. The moment I arrived the said threat had left... That was one. And how she ended up dying, it was when I feel like I need to check on her in case something like last time happened. She had trouble falling asleep since she would enter a realm just like Ei's euthymia... But it belonged to Guizhong. It gave her repetitive nightmares of How I..." he cleared his throat but then continued." H-how I killed Guizhong. She had the memories. And that memories made her like that. It won't happen again since I took the pain and the curse celestia put on Guizhong from her.... " He looked down in regret. Not because of what he did... But because it was already too late for him to save Guizhong.

"The trouble of yesterday I didn't expect to be informed of. That is something to get to the bottom of what the threat was. As for her dying few nights ago..why were you there checking on her? Why was she in different clothings from the last time I saw her before bed that night??" Baizhu says getting to the point understanding about what zhongli said about the realm and everything but the main question was how did she ended up there? When she hasn't been this whole time. He had more questions than this and knew clearly some things were missing from the archon side of the story.

That was quite a lot of question coming from his old friend but he already anticipated that much.

"The child... Was possessed by Guizhong last night and thus, becoming her vassal. I have no idea how her clothes where changed but knowing Guizhong, it might be possible. As you know, each adepti and Gods here have their own ability and can manipulate realms and such and having such wisdom, Guizhong, too made a realm of her own, and made the realm a research base regarding celestia. And after I killed her... Celestia cursed her realm and her vassals if one day she ever reincarnated. And that, what happened.... Apparently that's how I deduced. I am not sure if my theory is right or now. That is as much i know of," He explained briefly, hoping any of his words actually make sense.

That was quite a lot of question coming from his old friend but he already anticipated that much.

"The child... Was possessed by Guizhong last night and thus, becoming her vassal. I have no idea how her clothes where changed but knowing Guizhong, it might be possible. As you know, each adepti and Gods here have their own ability and can manipulate realms and such and having such wisdom, Guizhong, too made a realm of her own, and made the realm a research base regarding celestia. And after I killed her... Celestia cursed her realm and her vassals if one day she ever reincarnated. And that, what happened.... Apparently that's how I deduced. I am not sure if my theory is right or now. That is as much i know of," He explained briefly, hoping any of his words actually make sense.

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