Chapter 23 // not done dont read yet story discontinued read description on why

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Few hours passes by as everyone was still asleep. Eventually morning had came as a sign of a new day had arrived. (Y/N) Was still tired however so she slept in longer. With the Yaksha in his bird form on top of her head.

Xiao is already long awakened, he's just waiting for the child to wake up. He thought it was probably because of the pain that she slept in a bit longer so he went silent without sayung anything.

---------------Zhongli pov-----------

As morning rises, Zhongli's patrol came to an end. He investigated each and every trails of the abyss in case they made another attack and of course, checking on the fatuus once in a while in case they're plotting something.

Baizhu was already awake he was taking care of things around the pharmacy first for the day. Before he decided to check on his daughter with Changsheng that never mentioned anything about xiao presence being here. Baizhu notices how quiet his companion was and ask as he looks at them. Walking towards (Y/N) room. "Changsheng is there something wrong or something your not telling me?"

(Y/N) Room

She begins to wake up groaning and gasping for air. Her eyes opens quickly (Y/N) felt something sitting on her. She looks up to see green bird like feathers there. And giggles softly to herself knowing it's Xiao. She Had many questions to ask of him but knew she had to recollect herself first. "X..xiao...??" She crocks out weakly and frowns feeling dirty as she looks down at the bed and sees dry blood everywhere. Making her be in so much discussed now.

Xiao look down at her, opening his eyes, "Oh, so you're awake now." He then flew up and landed on the table next to her, tidying himself in his bird form, feeling like his feathers were all over the place.

-------Zhongli's pov-------

After getting ready to get to wangsheng funeral parlour, Zhongli then decided to have a lunch with his friend, Tartaglia, trying to figure out in case he's planning anything.

Changsheng slithers out their tongue and hisses playfully at Baizhu. "Rest assure Baizhu there's nothing I'm hiding. I just see no point in talking at the moment until we see the girl" they try to be coy about things. Making the Doctor sigh at them. "I'll trust you on that...anyhow we are here so no need to be silent anymore." He faces his daughters room door and knocks on it gently. Not wanting to barge in rudely on her. Especially when she's going through changes of the month.

(Y/N) nods her head at xiao when he spoked. And watches him fly onto the bed side table. She was about to try to speak but than hears a knock on the door. Grabbing her attention. She knew it was her father and Changsheng. She looks back at Xiao knowing full well Of how Baizhu would act if saw him.

Xiao heard the knock. He then vanishes using his adepti art into thin air but he still sits somewhere nearby to watch in her, except that he was out of sight.

----------zhongli's pov-----------

The entire morning, Zhongli focused on his paperworks and he did send a messenger to Childe, asking him to join for lunch for a chit chat. Zhongli wasn't much of a strategist but at least he did know a thing or two

"C...Come in!!.." (Y/N) chokes out . She saw that xiao went into hiding. She tries to sit up in bed and lean against the bed board frame. Baizhu hears her give permission to enter. When he does He gasp loudly in horror seeing how bloody the bed had become and how messy she was in it. Changsheng laughs at the green haired male reaction and comments. "We'll get this all cleaned up eventually. " the snake waves their tail infront of Baizhu trying to snap him out of it. He shakes his head and looks away. " sorry my dear..wasn't expecting to see all this...I came to check on you. Are you feeling any better?" (Y/N) giggles at her father knowing he was uncomfortable. "Truth be told...I don't feel any pain no more. Just a little weak but I'm alright." She says now with her voice fully back. Baizhu just smiles hearing her response and tells her. "That's good. I just wanted you to know if your up for it. Your allowed to leave the pharmacy and have some time to yourself. I learned keeping you here all the time isn't good for you. So far you done a decent job going out on your own. " he still doesn't look at her as he said this. (Y/N) gleams happily hearing she was able to wonder for the day. She would of question Baizhu but doesn't since she didn't want to lose such opportunity. "A..Alright father Thank you so much..." she glances at Changsheng and says. "It's ok I can handle taking care of myself thanks to you. I'll clean my mess up and shower." The snake nods their head in understanding. Baizhu sighs relieved and walks out the door. "I'll see you later dear I'm heading out for the day to do business. Im sure Qiqi has everything under control." *he waves at her and leaves in a hurry. He had trust she'll now be fine. The room door than shuts leaving (Y/N) to think to herself.

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