Baizhu tolerance Chapter 13

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Baizhu bursts through zhongli office door and shuts it behind him. "We need to talk!!"

a tall young man sat behind them with short, orange hair and dull blue eyes. He wears a red Fatui mask pulled off to one side of his head. "So she's the reincarnation of guizhong but more powerful...interesting.."

And so we continue

Zhongli then ordered what he usually did when he stopped by and waited until the young lady was finished taking their orders and left. He then looked down, having a deep thought on which one he wanted to ask first but then, came out with the question that was troubling him the most, "Why did you hide her from us? You know you alone cannot protect her. If I didn't pry and followed her on the night of rite of descension, the abyss might have taken her somewhere even you can't reach. And that resulted on the event of the one in her bedroom. If Xiao and I weren't patrolling that night, you might lost her second time." He stayed still, waiting for him to reply him.

Baizhu rests his chin on the palm of one hand and answers. "It would of been better if she did stayed hidden. Than none of this mess would of happened. But I did it because I know she'll always be targeted and might end up getting herself killed if she didn't live isolated. " he than thinks to himself on the fact he should of done better in keeping her away from everything. "Either way it's to late now..Besides you should know better that any parent would want their child to be safe."

He nodded in agreement, "Even so, a bird in a cage would die faster than a bird in the sky. The night where she secretly ran out of the pharmacy was one but proof of your carelessness. Even so, it is bound to happen, old friend. She is but a growing child. I will make myself clear on this matter then. I protected due to the contract I made with celestial to protect liyue and its people. As for (Y/N) she may be Guizhong's reincarnation. But she is not Guizhong. She is her own individual and I will not let my personal feelings get in my duties of raising a new God. It is my duty to look after everything that happens within Liyue. If not, the matters of... Sea God... I mean, Osial's event, might occur which was due to my negligence.... I will not risk liyue of an untrained God roaming free even if she is under your watch." He commented. What he said was by far true. Bounded by his responsibility and contract, whether Baizhu liked it or not, Zhongli had to do whatever he deemed right for the sake of Liyue and its people. The one talking before Baizhu was not as Zhongli, his old friend, but as Morax, the God of Contracts and the Geo Archon.

"That maybe true yes. So I'm allowing things to change for her. " Baizhu maybe letting (Y/N) do as she will now but he decided to just sit back and watch now. He didn't trust on how Guizhong died in the past and so thinks history just might repeat itself. He doesn't bring the thought up and says instead. "I know she's herself and not Guizhong. But I do hope you yourself know and understand that." He doesn't try to say anything else as he knew something was bond to happen between zhongli and (Y/N). "When she does regain her past life will you react if she fears you?"

Zhongli fell silent for a while since their orders came. He stayed silent, waiting for the waiter to finish putting on the platters and tea they ordered before leaving. He then poured the tea on both of their tea cups and lifted his teacup, blew it a bit before taking a sip silently. He gave in for his thoughts to get into places before looking back at his friend and replied, "If that happens, then let it be. I am doing what I can as the archon of this land. Whatever her actions or the memories that haunted her came, is for her to sort it out. So you've heard the rumours about me killing her, did you?" He stared at him, trying to make sure on how much did he knew regarding Guizhong's death.

Baizhu grabs his cup and sips on his drink and says with a small smirk. "Maybe or maybe not." In the ex Archon himself he sees that zhongli is a mess in front of him. As he thought in his head. "Contracts maybe a thing but your still a person with emotions and yet being controlled to where you have to hide them. Such a sad man so conflicted." The green haired male stares at him and chuckles to himself and says out loud. "Even so I didn't came here to talk about your past with her."

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