Memories chapter 2

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The day before the rite of Descension. (Y/N) started to stay in her room more. Not wanting to see Her so call Father or Qiqi since she felt like she was being replaced even more by the zombie girl. This made her feel so many emotions as she wishes Qiqi had never appeared in her and Baizhu lives. This was mostly unlike (Y/N) since she was kind hearted sweet young caring girl. As night than falls in the city of Liyue she lays in her bed in thoughts of memories of her and Baizhu when she was younger.

Baizhu hugs a toddler (Y/N) in a affectionate way and hums a song they had learned from a book. He than held her in his arms and smiles warmly at his. She giggles happily and grabs his glasses. Making him blink in confusion as he playfully frowns at her. "(Y/N) that's not nice to do." He grabs his glasses back as she laughs once more and hugs him again . "Daddy.." she says and cuddles closely to him . Baizhu wasn't use to her calling her Dad but he did enjoyed it.  Changsheng however tries not to watch as they felt like throwing up in there mouth at the two. So as always the snakes goes into a deep slumber.
End flashback
Back to readers pov
(Y/N) than sat up in her bed and shakes her head to forget what she just remembered. She than stands up and walks towards a window she sometimes gaze out once in awhile. Longing more to want to travel outside. She than started thinking of what happened a few days ago between her and Baizhu. "Father..what's the rite of Descension?.
"May I go?"
Baizhu stares at her with a look that says no. (Y/N) than pouts at the memory.  and gets an idea in her head. "Fine..if you won't let me go..than..I'll go myself." She whispers to herself as she opens the window and jumps out of it. Now outside on top of a roof. She wasn't sure how to get down but managed to figure it out. As she left everyone was in there rooms asleep as it was now night time.
The sun than slowly rises up signaling it a new day in liyue as it was now morning. (Y/N) wonders the streets in amazement by seeing how the town looks for the very first time in her life. Her eyes were lit up with excitement and curiosity as she looks around in a crowd of people. " much to explore!!" She squeals in happiness wanting to go on a big adventure.
Meanwhile at Babu pharmacy

Baizhu wakes up and worried about (Y/N) as it's been a few days he hasn't seen her since she's been isolated in her room. He thought she would come out by now. But no he was so wrong as he went to her room and knocked on her door. "(Y/N) sweetie we can't keep things like this. So please come out." He stood there in silence as he got no answer. His right hand raises up to rest upon the doorknob of the door and slowly opens it. He than pokes his head out through the crack of the entrance and looks around the room. "(Y/N)?!?" He shouts as he goes in the room fully and sees that it's empty. He than gazes on the window that was opened wide. Than his eyes  widened in a horrified way as he started panicking. Shouting his so called precious daughters Name once more. "(Y/N)!!!"
Zhongli pov

And soon, the ceremony began. The liyue qixing then started  the rite of descension, doing all the rituals as people crowds the yujin terrace to commerate and witness the descend of the great Rex Lapis. During the rite of descension, it was the best moment to make a wish. And so, people started praying and making wish here and there. As the ritual commence, heavy cloud swirls the terrace and soon, the figure of a large yet powerful Geo Lord descended. People around then started to kneel before  their almighty Lord.

The keen eyes of the Geo Lord began looking around, recognizing his subjects and thus began phropesizing of everything that would be done and should be done for the year. Everyone was listening intently and some even taking notes of the Lord's words word by word. And soon, the speech came to a stop for he has no more to share no give.

"For the knowledge that I have bestowed. Follow them wisely. I will now ascend to the heavens." As he's done with his short speech, the crowd began to shout, "All hail Rex Lapis and his Glory for Liyue!". And so, the shouting turned into a crowd chanting of cheers as he slowly got up and started to fly high ascending the sky.

As he flew, he knew he wanted to see through the descension rite's festivals. And so, he turned back into his mortal form Zhongli and walked along the streets of liyue, enjoying each scenery and views of the said festival.
Reader pov

(Y/N) started talking to people asking them questions about the Rite  of descension. They were surprised to see her out as they knew of the smart Wise prodigy of Babu pharmacy in Liyue. Some wanted to question why she was wondering around knowing how Baizhu never let her out . Some just shrugged it off and answered all her questions.
Shop keeper : "I'm afraid you might of missed some of it already Lady (Y/N)"
she pouts at this but the shop keeper continues to speak.

Shop keeper: "you can at least head here and make a wish of your own" they than show the way where to go at the ceremony site. Making her smile brightly at them and shake their hands in a thankful matter. "Thankyou so much sir!!" She than quickly leaves the store stalls and runs there. People stared at her talking amongst themselves. She ignores it and heads on her way.
Bubu pharmacy
Baizhu couldn't calm himself as he orders Qiqi to watch over the place. He stood at the pharmacy entrance and looked at the purple haired lifeless girl one more time over his shoulders and says. "I'll be back once I find (Y/N)" Qiqi nods her head in a understanding way and stood at the pharmacy counter in case of customers. Baizhu than leaves in search of his daughter.
Readers pov

She was close to her destination but than got focus on nearby flowers. So she started walking towards them and realized what kind they were. "I never seen glaze lilies before in person.." she examines them as she was in awe by there beauty. "I only seen pictures in books.." her right hand raises up to gently touch one of its petals. It felt so soft to her at the touch. She felt so enchanted by them she started humming a tune call Guizhong's Lullaby while closing both her eyes. a few people stopped by and hear her. They than stood around behind her as she sings. Thus making a small crowd appear.
Townsfolk one: "wait..isn't that..?"
Townsfolk two: "yea it's Miss (Y/N)
Kid number one: "she's so pretty mommy!! And her voice!!"
Kids mother: holds her child hand and watches (Y/N) in awe and agrees with the kid.
Zhongli pov

As he walked around the town, he saw people roaming as busy as bees and walking from stalls to stalls. He went to have a look at what the stalls had to offer. Any price mentioned was what he paid for even if it was super expensive for the Geo Archon never bothered about the values of Mora and had been creating them all the time. Some passerby would shot a worried glance over him that they knew the said man was being scammed of the actual values of any product he purchased. But for the care and mercy he had for his subjects, that matters not to him.

He kept walking and walking and heard a familiar hum and a faint scent of glaze lilies he once whiffed back when Guizhong was still by his side. He closed his eyes and basked himself within the sweet memories he had left of her. The reason of those things came to him probably was due to the rite of descension and Guizhing was probably blessing the land with her sweet voice and her ever scented glaze lilies. He then decided to walk all the way to listen to iron tongued Tian's recital. He sometimes did find those recitals to be far exaggerated than the actual  event but it would be rather suspicious if he were to recite every bit of the details of all the fights and glories he achieved in order to protect liyue. He ordered his usual osmanthus wine and sipped it, sighing hard to himself, mumbling, "Osmanthus wine taste the same as I remember but where are those who share the memories...." solemnly, he stared deep into the wine cup, hoping it would give off the image of those who passed.

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