Wish character 3

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She than hears clapping behind her and opens her eyes and stops singing. She turns around and noticed the small crowd surrounded around her. Than blushes in embarrassment now realizing she wasn't alone. She than stands up fast and runs away. The people behind her than call out her name. "LADY (Y/N)!!" She ignores them as they started talking more about her. She never thought she get so much attention being away from home even for a few hours. As she was running her mind was blank on where she was going so she stops in her tracks by a tavern where it looked like a mini bar of a stall and chairs in front of it. Few people sat there drinking and gossiping amongst themselves. She stood by it panting as she tries to remember where she was heading. "Looks like I got distracted by those flowers." She says to herself and thinks for a few minutes in silence.
Baizhu pov
Zhongli pov
He wonders the streets of Liyue with so much worried and anxiety. Changsheng looks at there "master" and laughs in amusement. Causing Baizhu to glare at the snake. Changsheng doesn't care as they say. "I told you to tell her everything and treat her better." Baizhu tries to ignore Changsheng as he kept walking as he didn't want to get upset at his companion. "Just let me focus on finding her.."

After drinking some osmanthus wine, Zhongli then decided to go for a stroll in the market place to look around for the goods sold there. Some may worth more than any mora combined and some may not worth much but still holds some value to it. But as he had always said, "one man's stone, is another man's gem." He would sometimes listened to the citizens and secretly bought the items needed by them anonymously.

Today, he overheard a young girl who wanted a green jeadite hair ornament. The mother couldn't afford it due to the insane price put on such items. He then walked towards the vendor and picker it up, examine if.

He thought to himself, "The jeadite may be of a low quality but the design by far makes up for the stone. The expensiveness is probably due to the craftmanship which is hard to be crafted. That small details and how the craftman carefully placed each jeadite perfectly on the ornament really catches the eye. I guess perhaps this would be a good purchase to be given to the poor young lady over there."

He then turned facing the vendor, asking, "Boss, how much is the price of this ornament?"

"You got a good eye, sir. This one is worth for 750 000 mora. You see, this jeadite is from the deepest part of the chasm and the craftmanship was made by the best craftman ever," The vendor replied.

Zhongli frowned and had a deep thought, "The deepest part of the chasm? Shouldn't the jeadite be more of a higher quality compared to this? This one could be found even at the skirt of mount hulao..." perhaps the vendor was misinformed by the craftmen which results of the sad bluff made by him.

" I.... Understand. I will take it, " He then made his mind and ended up buying anyway.
Reader pov

She than remembers saying "OOOH RIGHT.Hahaha.. ceremony site" (Y/N) than starts walking again to that direction. And thinks once more to herself. "That shopkeeper and the people in it said something about gods and adepti's and a little of there history.." she than starts to wonder why her so call "Father" never taught her any of this. And decided to find out more on her own. "Hmm what are Elements and statue's of the seven." She ponders in her mind as she whines. "So much of the outside world to know.."
Baizhu pov
He hears people talking about a young girl. He understood that it was (Y/N). A shopkeeper waves at him in a greeting way and ask. "Ah Baizhu. I'm surprised your letting your daughter out the pharmacy for once on this special day especially!" Baizhu tries to stay in a calm demeanor as he walks up to the shopkeeper and ask. "Where exactly is she?" The shopkeeper than senses something wrong with the man and answers him in a uncertain way. "Well she should be at the ceremony site." Baizhu than turns his back on the guy and leaves silently. Confusing the poor shopkeeper. "What's with him?" He ask as he watches the green haired mysterious man leave.
Readers pov

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