reminiscence Chapter 17

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(Y/N) unconscious state pov

Everything felt cold so cold she couldn't feel nothing. Her eyes opened steadily as (E/C) eyes sees nothing but darkness. Once she sees this she immediately knew where she was and quickly felt frightened. She weakly says to herself. "Wh..why am I...back??!" She sits up fast and stands onto her feet not wanting to be in this place. She hugs herself as she moves forward in a uncomprehending manner. She found herself wondering aimlessly for 20 mins until she sees light from a distance making her start running towards it as she didn't like the cold darkness surrounding her. "PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" She cries out as she reaches her hands towards said light and finds herself out of the darkness. She stops and sees that she's in a field of glaze lilies. Her eyes than landed on two people nearby both of them looked so familiar she instantly recognized them one was zhongli and the other was Guizhong . Once she sees Zhongli holding his weapon up at Guizhong dangerously she than felt the feeling of the sickness in her stomach returning. (Y/N) tries to call out zhongli name but to no avail she couldn't be heard or seen. "MORAX!!!!" She shouts and run towards them but stopped as she hears what they are saying and sees that His weapon comes crashing down into the god of dust stomach stabbing her. (Y/N) freezes in shock and watches as Guizhong  body goes limb and falls to the ground bleeding to death. "Why.." (Y/N) whispers as she noticed that her body was slowly turning transparent. A confused look appears on the girls face as zhongli had thrown his weapon away and grabs Guizhong now holding her in his arms crying. The woman than caressed his cheek with a small smile on her lips in a forgiving way. (Y/N) now wasn't sure how to feel as she stood there watching the god of dust and zhongli having their last moments together she whispers again. "Why?!?..."  Guizhong held the Stone dumbbell and told zhongli to forget about it as she than turned into dust herself and sees it flying away into the breeze out of zhongli arms. (Y/N) half transparent self backs away horrified and more confused as the feeling in her stomach worsened. She plops onto her knees as she felt pain in her stomach making her look down to find a stab wound there covered in blood. she starts panicking and holds the wounded area with her hands. Her body falls onto the floor now laying on the field of glaze lilies. "Wh..what's happening..?!" She weakly says as she starts bleeding to death and feels the coldness coming back to her body. Her (E/C) eyes looks at the weeping zhongli one last time as blood drips down from the corner of her mouth before the life in her eyes started fading away. Her eyelids Than began to closed leisurely. She knew she was experiencing Guizhong death and didn't like it as she says one last word by gasping it out. "N...No..." at that moment (Y/N) body turned fully transparent and into dust too.

Zhongli then caresses (Y/N)'s hair and golden geo dust drips into her head, still helping her going through Guizhong's traumatic moment. In the dream of her changing into dust, Zhongli gave (Y/N) back to her original appearance but with Guizhong's outfit that befits her title the Goddess of dust. while he, was wearing his Rex Lapis attire, befit of his title as well. He stares straight at her, waiting for her to ask him questions which he was ready to answer all of them.

In Realty

She lays there still unconscious on her mattress. Her black night dress no longer there as she was now wearing something new. (Y/N) breathing becomes irregularly as golden dust of tears drips down her cheeks from her closed eyes. Her expression turns into a contorted one.
In (Y/N) unconscious state

In the unknown dimension that wasn't a dream nor place her body materializes back into the cold darkness. Her eyes sluggishly opens and a tear falls down her cheeks as she laid there. Knowing she's back from where she had started in the beginning. She sat up panicking on if she still had the stab wound. Her (E/C) eyes looks down at her stomach and she touches it feeling mostly nothing it was dry and cleaned. She than noticed that her clothes had Changed to the ones Guizhong would wear. "Wh..what's....going on...." She whimpers sitting down on the floor in the darkness more confused and scared than ever. "I got to find a way out..." she stands up and starts walking the same path she had taken last time seeing there's no other way.
Baizhu room
Changsheng couldn't sleep at all as they kept hearing so many noises coming from (Y/N)'s room. Baizhu however been asleep the whole time hearing nothing. It's only been 2 hours since they had been headed off to bed. Changsheng decided to ignore the noises but if it is heard any louder and worser than before they will most likely wake Baizhu up themselves. The white snake curls up on The slumbering doctors chest and tries to sleep for once.

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