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*Sherlock makes a sudden return from being dead and realises the effects that him being away has had on his son.*

*So we have Parentlock here. Enjoy your reading sweetheart. ;)

What's wrong? Why is Hamish in the hospital? SH

Who is this? JW

John, it's me. It's Sherlock. SH

No I watched him fall to his death. So who the hell is this? Because it's a bit bloody twisted and messed up! JW

John it really is me, I swear! Please, what's wrong with our son? Please tell me I need to know! SH

He collapsed the other day, where the hell are you? How did you know he was here? JW

I'm at Mycrofts he told me, how do you think i knew? SH

How could you do something like this to us Sherlock? If this really is you anyway JW

It's me , I swear! The first time we met I asked you Afghanistan or Iraq based off your tan line, cell phone and the way you were standing. You still keep the cane you used in the hall close, because you fear you'll need it again. You know that I when at home i have a nickname for Hamish which is Mish. SH

3 years Sherlock! 3 years! You left us believing you were dead for 3 years! JW

I'm sorry, but I had to protect you and Hamish it was the only way! I was going after Moriartys men, he had people that were going to kill you all if i didn't jump, I couldnt let you think I was alive. SH

Get the hell here now! JW

What room? I'm already at Barts. SH

231 JW

Sherlock quickly made his way upstairs in the building. The tears that had pooled in his yes, not yet falling as he lightly knocked on the door to the room John and Hamish were in. He quietly and slowly pushed the door open in fear that Hamish was sleeping and not wanting to wake him. He looked thinner and more pale since the last time they saw him 'alive' he thought as he stepped into the room. John looked to the door seeing Sherlock but he didn't speak a word to him, he just looked back at Hamish who was sleeping. " Uhm...." Sherlock said as he closed the door and looked at Hamish for a moment before returning his gaze to John sitting next to the bed. John didn't speak, words couldn't describe how annoyed he was at Sherlock, he simply moved his jaw from side to side just looking still at his son. Sherlock moved and and sat down in the chair next to John, though he didn't know what to say or do.

" I need to talk to you outside " John finally spoke as he got up from his chair leaving the room. Sherlock looked to Hamish once more before he followed Sherlock outside, closing the door behind them. " What the hell Sherlock?" were Johns first words.

" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to have to do any of this, but I needed the both of you safe John! I couldn't of lived with myself if you weren't. He was going to kill you both!" Sherlock began trying to defend him self.

" No Sherlock 3 years! 3 whole years! Don't you understand how hard it has been for us? For Hamish?" John retorted.

" I know how it was hard to be away from the both of you, it was like having my heart ripped out and torn apart! It hurt me too you know! I had to make you believe I was dead! If you didn't and they knew I was alive they would of killed you on the spot! Please John you must understand! "

" Oh I do Sherlock, you abandoned us, you know Hamish couldn't deal with it, with your death that is. He got depressed, he would just sit in his room all day just staring at the wall mostly. I told you that he collapsed Sherlock I never told you why."

" Why did he? " Sherlock asked, dreading what the answer would be.

" He didn't eat. He didn't eat because he wanted to die Sherlock! He said he wanted to see his dad again. Don't you get it Sherlock? You pulling such a stupid stunt like that has made our own son want to kill himself! Just so that he could be with his dad again." Sherlock put a hand over his mouth and leaned against the wall as he tried hard to take in what John had just him, it really was all his fault. He felt tears that threatened to fall. John didn't care what Sherlock was feeling, he was too angry and annoyed at him for he had done to him and their son. " I hated you for it and I still do."

Sherlock lowered his hand from his mouth, tears began to stream down his face " I never wanted this to happen. Not this, not ever. I-I understand you hating me John, I do."

" Oh what did you want to happen? For us just to be perfectly fine without you for 3 years, believing you had killed yourself. Welcoming you back with open arms? This is real Sherlock. You did this! I understand you needing to protect the both of us, but you could of found a way to tell you were alive! That's all he needed, we could of accepted knowing you were going to be away for a while, but knowing you were dead? Killed yourself? Just no Sherlock." He said and walked off back into Hamishs room leaving Sherlock outside.

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