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*This one is super short but just read it alright? That's ma girl(or boy)

No warning for this one.

*Have a lovely day and stay hydrated sweetheart. ;)

'We're stuck.'

Sherlock feels John freeze against him at the statement.

'What do you mean?' John asks disbelieving and Sherlock rolls his eyes - it is dark enough to prevent John from seeing.

'I meant, John, that we are stuck. Stuck as in, I am unable to open the door. Ergo, we are stuck inside the closet.'

John is silent for a moment before he moves. He tries to get enough momentum to properly barge his shoulder against the door, but no matter how hard John tries, the door simply won't budge. Plus, John's movement presses Sherlock uncomfortable against the wall.

'Goddammit!' John hisses out as he nearly slips and they get pressed closer against each other. For a moment Sherlock images this scenario up on John's blog.

...so there we were, pressed against each other, chest to chest...

He snorts and Sherlock can practically feel John's angry gaze settle on him now. 'You just had to go on ahead didn't you?' he hisses. Sherlock doesn't even bother to try and hide his eye rolling now. 'No, Sherlock, stop that! Greg was only a couple of minutes behind us. We could have had him by now!'

'If we had done that, we wouldn't have had proof,' Sherlock argues back. 'Now we do.'

'Yeah and a lot of good that'll do us since we're stuck in the goddamn closet!'

John is silent for a moment after that before he giggles.

What the...

'What's so funny?'

John shakes his head, still sniggering and he mutters something under his breath that Sherlock can't hear.


''Stuck in the closet',' John huffs out and Sherlock frowns. Has John lost his mind? 'Of course you bloody wouldn't get the expression. It is what people say about men and woman who haven't... you know... come out yet.'

'Come out of what?'

John starts laughing again and Sherlock now really starts to get concerned. 'Come out, Sherlock. As in, they haven't come out for their sexual preference. And I don't mean straight.'

Sexual preference...what on...oh. OH!

'So we're stuck in the closet,' Sherlock repeats and John nods, grin still plastered on his face. 'Both figuratively and literally.'

Yeah. In hindsight, Sherlock should have expected the argument that followed.

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