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*Back to the Baker Street boys story. FLUFF WARNING!!!

*I just finished watching StartUp series and i just like GODDAMNIT MARTIN he's so fckng hot there like i literally need him BUT everytime i saw him in tht series i always call him Jawn not Phil Rask :)

*Enjoy the story for Big Ben,sweetheart. ;)

By the time John comes back out of the bathroom, wet flannel in hand to clean them up, Sherlock's eyes are closed and already feels himself drifting off to sleep. Not quite yet though.

He can hear John's soft chuckle as he sinks down on to the bed next to him and Sherlock flinches when the flannel makes contact with his sticky stomach. Sherlock tries to move away – for someone who keeps pestering him to sleep more, John seems determined to keep him awake even longer – but John cleans him despite his wiggling.

'Don't start complaining tomorrow,' John mutters and Sherlock can hear the smile in his tone.

Sherlock grunts in response, and without opening his eyes, pushes down John on his back before curling up against him. Their legs are tangled together now and Sherlock has his arm wrapped around John's torso, keeping him close while his head is resting against John's shoulder.

'Lanky git,' John whispers fondly and Sherlock managed a smile in response.

He remembers John's surprise when Sherlock first curled up against him after their first time. Sherlock himself had even been more surprised to find he had managed to sleep through the night. Apparently John's calming influence extended even to the bedroom.

Sherlock's muscles feel heavy and he can feel John's breathing slow down to match his own. John's fingers have found his curls and he, very carefully, threads his fingers through them. Sherlock sighs deeply, nestling closer to his lover – not an adequate term either. John is more, so much more and I –

'I love you so much.'

Sherlock's eyes fly open and he raises his head to look. John immediately freezes. 'Sherlock! I thought you were...'

No! He can't take it back. John said those words while he thought I was asleep; he means them! Love. I love you. I love him too. John! I LOVE YOU!

Sherlock crashes their lips together and whatever John was about to say next, gets lost between their lips. Whenever their lips part for breath, Sherlock manages to breathe out the words that keep swirling through his head.

'You, John.' Their lips meet again.

'Love you.' Sherlock moves to straddle John's hips. John tightens his hold on Sherlock's hips.

'I love you too.'


Some treat from Freeman guy ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ –

Some treat from Freeman guy ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ –

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Phil Rask ladies and gentlemen

Phil Rask ladies and gentlemen

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kick me DADDIE!!!

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kick me DADDIE!!!

kick me DADDIE!!!

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