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John takes Sherlock on a date, which includes the exploration of Sherlock's military kink.

John emerged from the bathroom grinning. He patted his cheeks with the remaining aftershave on his hands and fluffed his hair with his fingers after drying them on his pants.

"Ready?" He asked, picking his phone up from the table beside his chair.

Sherlock was sitting adjacent, his legs crossed and his palms pressed together under his chin.

"You're smiling."

"'Course I am. I'm excited." John stopped his jittery hands by slipping them into his back pockets.

"And you expect me to be, as well."

"Yeah, I would hope my boyfriend would be happy to go on a date with me."

Sherlock cringed at the word but John's hurt eyes helped him to deduce that John wanted a reason to call him that, and his grimace turned up into a grin.

"So what movie is it?" He stood up and straightened his suit jacket. John was now completely allowed to stare at his unique beauty, so he did so, and as such, he noticed a slight blush arise in Sherlock's cheekbones, which caused his groin to tighten.

"Pfft, it's a surprise!" He turned on his heel to go, knowing Sherlock would follow.

"John Watson, you will be the death of me," Sherlock took his trademark coat off the hanger and hurried to catch up as John galloped down the stairs. At the door to the outside world and London's city streets, Sherlock took John's hand and intertwined his fingers with his. John gave him a smile and opened the door with his free hand.

Sherlock and John hailed a cab. Sherlock darted his wise eyes around for anyone's gaze; he was still nervous about being seen in public with John. He'd never been in a relationship as committed as this one, and to publicly show affection was not on his radar, however complicated that radar may be. Luckily, however, he and John were seen as a couple long before they made the quick jump from friendly hangouts to dates with kissing.

The cab pulled up, its sleek body reflecting John and Sherlock standing on the sidewalk, side by side, holding hands. They pressed their bodies together so their hands were hidden beneath Sherlock's dark coat folds, but they looked like a couple nonetheless.

The men clambered into the cab, John first.

"Where to?" the cabbie asked stereotypically as Sherlock shut the door after his long legs settled into the space behind the driver's seat.

"Cinema on Marylebone Road, please," John said.

Sherlock's face tightened into a smile, proud at the sight of John giving directions. Something so simple, that he normally did, was now John's to do - they shared it.

Sherlock's fingers, still in John's, tightened as he pressed his thigh into John's. He leaned to give him a peck on the cheek, the cabbie's wandering eyes sparkling as he inched the car forward.

"So you boys finally came around, eh?"

"Just drive, Frederick." John sounded short with the man, but he was smiling. Sherlock rested his head on his strong shoulder for the rest of the ride, the angst filled out-of-place boyband music the only noise in the cab.

When the men arrived at the cinema, Sherlock climbed out first, which in turn received him a poke in the rear from John.

They linked arms and hurried into the movie theatre. A few women noticed John and Sherlock with wide eyes, and John greeted them with a flirty smile. Sherlock rolled his eyes and bumped his hip into John's as they walked.

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