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*It's another chapter from previous chap of our parentlock.
*It's been a lovely day today and please do enjoy your reading sweetheart. ;)

Sherlock stayed standing outside for another 10 minutes as tears continued to stream down his face after hearing what John had told him. He wiped his eyes and pulled himself together. He went to enter the room opening the door slowly, knowing it was quite likely he wasn't going to be welcome back in there. John saw Sherlock coming back into the room " I don't know how you can still show your face " he said not turning to look at him. Sherlock knew he wasn't welcome

" I suppose it's best if I just leave " He mumbled out in a low voice as he turned around going to leave, opening the door.

"Dad?" Hamish said as he sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes as hearing the voices around him had woken him up. Sherlock stopped, his hand gripped the door handle as he tried to keep more tears from streaming down his face, he took a deep breath and turned around.

" Hello son " Sherlock replied.

" No, you're dead! This isn't fair!" He shouted seeing his dad stood at the door. He broke down into tears, annoyed that his mind was continuing to play tricks on him. Still seeing his dad when he wasn't really there. Sherlock's heart broke even more hearing his son say that, though he didn't think it was possible. He walked over to Hamish and sat down on the bed, putting a hand to Hamish's face

" No, no I'm not dead. I'm here, it's me. I'm so sorry Mish. I really am."

Hamish sniffled as he looked up seeing his dads face, he looked to his father " Is he really here?" He asked John. He didn't trust his own mind anymore, he was always seeing his dad around when he wasn't there.

John nodded" Yeah it's him " he confirmed. Hamish looked back to Sherlock and grasped onto him for dear life, for once he was real. Sherlock's arms wrapped tightly around his son.

" I'm so sorry Mish, I am." Sherlock repeated as he buried his face into Hamish's hair and held onto him tightly too. Hamish continued to cry in his dads arms as he grasped onto Sherlock's coat. He could barely believe he was actually there, he just assumed it was another dream. It was too good to be true he thought and he would wake up any second now. " I'm here. I'm not leaving you again Hamish. I'm not, I swear it." Sherlock promised his son as he gathered in his crying a bit, trying to soothe Hamish's.

He pulled away from his dad sniffling as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. " Why would you do that? I thought you loved us? You just left. No explanation. Nothing. Father just came home that day and said you killed yourself, I told him it wasn't true that you couldn't of, but he saw you do it." John looked down at his hands as he fiddled with them hearing Hamish saying that, even though Sherlock was alive, it still haunted him. Sherlock took hold of Hamish's hand and lowered it. He began to wipe at Hamish's tears.

" If I hadn't then some very bad people were going to kill you and your Father. I had to protect the both of you Mish. I did it to save you." Hamish sniffled again touching the hand that Sherlock had wiped his tears with still finding it hard to believe he was actually there.

" I want to go home " He said to his dad.

" You can't go home home until they discharge you " Sherlock told him softly gently stroking Hamish's hand.

" I want to go home!" He said louder this time, he was very irritable lately.

Sherlock looked to John and then back to Hamish. " Quiet down Hamish, let me go talk to the nurses, see what they say okay?" He nodded as he sniffled wiping his nose with his sleeve again as Sherlock got up to go speak to the nurses.

Sherlock came back awhile later putting his phone back into his pocket as well when he stepped into the room. He looked at John and then sent a small smile to Hamish, "you may go home, Mish. It's been taken care of." Hamish beamed upon hearing that, ripping out the IV that had been fixed into his arm. " Ha-" John began to tell Hamish. But walked off to talk to Sherlock whilst Hamish hurried getting ready " what did they say?" John asked " they said he wasn't to be released for a while "

"There's a more than capable doctor in his household. He was released to your care, John." Was all Sherlock told him. It had taken some work to get Hamish released but he got it done, just as his son asked him to.

John took a deep breath " fine alright then, I suppose that's alright " he said looking to Hamish " He's In a bad way Sherlock."

"I know, John." Sherlock said softly to the man. He could deduce what was wrong and he just hoped it would get better now that he had returned. "You're a doctor, you know what needs to be done..."

" It can't just be fixed over night Sherlock! This is months of damage, years in fact! He needs to eat" John told him, his tone slightly raised

" Dad?" Hamish said.

"Yeah, Mish?" Sherlock answered him and didn't answer John.

" Can we go now ? " he asked. He had heard what the both of of them were saying, talking about him like he wasn't there. But he didn't really care now, he was quite used to whole thing about people talking behind his back, he just wanted to go home.

"Yes, you and your father can go home now, Mish." Sherlock told him nodding a bit. He figured he wasn't welcomed back to Baker Street at the moment, but Hamish could go home with John.

" Come on Hamish " John smiled though Hamish looked quite confused as he looked to John then to Sherlock.

" No I want you to come with me! You said you wouldn't leave me again! You promised!" Hamish said as he started to well up. Backing up against the wall and sliding down, his head in his hands " You promised! " he shouted as began to cry again.

Sherlock rushed to him. He looked up at John a moment as he kneeled down beside his son. "I will. I'll come with you. I know I promised Mish. I know I did." Sherlock said softly trying to calm him down a bit.

Hamish sniffled and slowly looked up at his dad " I can't lose you again " he said clinging onto to him " Don't ever leave again dad " he said wiping his eyes.

" Lets go home " he sniffled as he got up and grabbed his bag. John smiled faintly helping Sherlock to his feet " yeah lets go" John also said. Sherlock nodded and let his hand linger a moment on John's shoulder before following both of them out of the room.

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