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Two young women come to 221B Baker Street under the guise of asking for help and opened a new world for Sherlock: fanfiction.

It was half past one and for John it was proving to be a very long day; there were no interesting cases, even by his standards. Sherlock was slouched in his chair, legs straightened out and arms hanging from the side, head hanging from the backrest, it was an uncomfortable looking sight, but the detective had been in the same position for the past 15 minutes, not moving an inch for possible clients. John placed his flatmate's coffee on the side table then went to his own chair when there was a knock at the door frame, John set his coffee down and cleared his throat.

"Come in." He called out, standing up. Two young women stepped inside, the first girl was rather tall and freckled face. Dirty blond, frizzy hair draped her shoulders, with a rather long scarf wrapped several times around her neck, but not much else stood out about her; her expression was aloof and seemed more focused on the decorations hung in the flat. The second girl was brown haired and pale, face flushed and eyes darting about, John could guess this was their client and the other girl was her support. "How can we help you?" He asked, offering her a chair in front of them, the second girl waved him off before he could ask.

"Well, uh... um." The second girl looked at Sherlock for a moment, who was still sprawled, then rubbed her chin with the sleeve of her jacket, "I-I got an email from a stranger, saying they h-have some suggestive photos that I once sent to m-my ex-boyfriend. He wants money that I don't have a-and I don't know who it is." She explained. John looked at her with empathy, figuring she was young and made a mistake. Sherlock finally sat up, shuffling back to get comfortable and looked at each of them properly.

"You're lying." He accused, John shot him a look then turned back to the girl. The brunet covered her mouth with her sleeve and shook her head at Sherlock, wide eyed with disbelief.

"She's not! I've seen the emails!" The blond exclaimed, annoyance crossing her face as she stepped close to her friend, guarding. Sherlock stood up, towering over the blond with a stern expression, the brunette grabbing her friend's hand.

"Please stop." She said meekly. Sherlock looked the blond in the eyes.

"You friend is a shy virgin, very unlikely she even kissed a boy, much less sent them suggestive photos. Why are you here?" He asked, that was the only thing that made him curious.

"Research." The blond answered simply, trying her best to keep her ground, but a flush crept on her cheeks.

"Don't tell him!" The brunette cried out, standing up suddenly, causing the chair to fling back. John was a loss for words, sitting there and looked between the three of them.

"Researching what?" Sherlock asked, grabbing the blonde's shoulder and pushed her aside, directing his attention to the brunette, figuring she would talk. If someone was trying to trap them or get information, they obviously hired the wrong people. The girl began tearing up, thoroughly intimidated by Sherlock.

"I-I was just writing-!" The brunette was trying to explain before the blond put her hand over her mouth and grabbed the smaller girl by the shoulder.

"Nothing. It's nothing. Candice, shut up." The blond said, her hand sliding down Candice's shoulder and grabbed her hand, literally dragging her out of the flat.

"What was that about?" John asked as he stood up, looking out the window, "Journalists?" He added, turning to Sherlock. The detective was holding a wallet, "Whose is that?" The doctor asked accusingly, knowing his flatmate just nicked it from either of those girls.

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