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It was bound to happen. Sherlock and John break into one too many labs and are exposed to...something.
The something changes their genetic code, exposing them to the Alpha/Omega mutation.
The rest...as they say.....is history

*TopJohn version.

Sherlock glanced down as the distinctive chime echoed off the stark walls of the lab.

Where are you – MH

Sherlock irritably tapped back

Cascade Labs, on a case – SH

He paused and then added

Go away - SH

John glanced up from the files he was rifling through and Sherlock mouthed Mycroft before rolling his eyes as the phone chimed again

Which floor? - MH

When it became apparent no reply was forthcoming, the phone chimed again

It's important dear brother – high risk of contamination – MH

Sherlock looked thoughtfully at John, now lifting and inspecting bottles with bare hands and tapped back.

Floor 17, advise risk – SH

He waited, staring at the screen for what seemed like hours before the response finally flashed up

Don't leave....OMW with team. – MH

Bad? – SH



Thirty minutes later, Sherlock and John were still waiting, John sitting on one of the desks, legs swinging gently, Sherlock standing beside him leaning easily against the edge.

"We should just leave," Sherlock muttered petulantly.

"We're not leaving until we find out what we've been exposed to, and that's the end to it."

Sherlock snorted in a way that could only be described as deeply disapproving yet acquiescent and crossed his arms, tucking his chin down and proceeded to sulk in an unlikely upright pose.






"But why can't we....."







"If it had been......"

"No! Sherlock.....no." John was unwavering. While John would admit that Mycroft's information had been sparse to the point of being unhelpful, the fact remained that at this point there was every chance that the short trip home could unleash a plague of biblical proportions on the unsuspecting London public. Regardless of how bored (and therefore annoying) Sherlock got, it just wasn't worth the risk.






Sherlock cast a hopeful glance at John after another twenty minutes only to receive another firm shake of the head.....sulking resumed.

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