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"What exactly are you doing?" John sounds much more awake now. Good.
"Initiating sexual contact, John, obviously." He moves out from underneath John's t-shirt to lie on top of him, chest to chest, nose to nose.
"In the middle of the night?" John leans up for a kiss, and Sherlock could never say to no to that. Their lips meet, tasting of sleep, in a soft kiss, and for a while, that is all they need.

John is beautiful in his sleep, Sherlock thinks. He is beautiful all the time if you ask Sherlock, but he has something peaceful when he dreams. Sherlock prides himself on the fact that John has not had a single nightmare since they started sharing a bed two months ago. He still sleeps too much though, Sherlock thinks.

Sleeping is boring, and Sherlock will prove that soon enough.

It's almost five, so a very appropriate time to get up anyways, Sherlock lifts the duvet and crawls down John's body, until he reaches the hem of his shirt. He carefully lifts it up to reveal the warm, soft skin he knows to be golden in daylight. He kisses his way up it and licks at the navel.

John smells amazing, like mint body wash, and musk, and home. He makes breathing not boring. No one has ever managed that before. Sherlock closes his eyes, which is pointless in the dark, to take him in, seeking the warmth of his skin.

John makes a sound, lifting his arm. "Sherlock?" he says, his voice tried, but he can hear the smile in it. John thinks Sherlock is being ridiculous with his head stuck between John and his shirt. He likes it when Sherlock is being ridiculous, he said so once when he was drunk.

"Hmm." Sherlock kisses John's belly.

"What exactly are you doing?" John sounds much more awake now. Good.

"Initiating sexual contact, John, obviously." He moves out from underneath John's t-shirt to lie on top of him, chest to chest, nose to nose.

"In the middle of the night?" John leans up for a kiss, and Sherlock could never say to no to that. Their lips meet, tasting of sleep, in a soft kiss, and for a while, that is all they need.

"You said something about sexual intercourse." John murmurs, when they part, and Sherlock can see the sparkle in his eyes.

"Hmm, yes." Sherlock smears his mouth over John's cheek, down to his neck, where he sucks on his collar bone. He feels John move, reaching for his bedside drawer.

"Well then, Mr. Holmes. As the initiator, you get to do all the work. I'm still half asleep." John smirks, placing a bottle of lube in his hand. It's a lie, Sherlock knows. As a doctor, and a soldier, John only needs a minute or two to be fully awake, but he is more than fine with John laying back and enjoying himself.

"Very well, Captain Watson. If you'd be so kind to take your shirt off." Sherlock teases, sitting up and on John's hips. John complies and Sherlock follows his example, throwing the t-shirt he has nicked from John years ago off the bed. "Now, lay back, relax, and enjoy the flight."

He leans down for a kiss, which doesn't really happen, because John is giggling, and Sherlock just must join in. Their laughter, Sherlock thinks, sounds brilliant together, he has failed many times to replicate something as beautiful on his violin.

"This was supposed to be lazy morning sex." Sherlock mock complains, lips resting against John's chin.

"Doesn't always go as planned." John teases back. "I'm wide awake, now."

"I can make you shut up." Sherlock promises, with a smile.

"Oh, really? You seem to very confid... Oh." John gets interrupted by Sherlock's hand cupping his cock through his pyjama bottoms.

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