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Contains toplock, a power bottom and gentle neck grabbing.

 In the bedroom Sherlock stood in front of his wardrobe, hanging his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt. It was another day done and with his case finished sooner than he expected, the detective was becoming uninspired as the hours wore by.

"I can help you with that." John said from behind, snaking his hands around the younger man's ribs as unbuttoned the rest of his shirt with relative ease then began undoing the trousers.

"You're a bit frisky this evening." Sherlock commented, busying himself with undoing the button on his sleeve, looking over his shoulder. John tilted his head upwards as he pushed the dress pants from Sherlock's hips.

"It been ages since we shagged." He reasoned with a grin, gracelessly sliding his hand into the detective's underwear. Sherlock had to look away and squint as he recalled the last time, trying not to be affected.

"Last week." Sherlock pointed out and placed his hand on John's wrist as the older man held his shaft.

" Ages ." John stressed, ignoring the hold and started jerking him off underneath the thin cloth.

"John." Sherlock sighed closing his eyes for a moment, holding his wrist tighter. John groaned with annoyance, reluctantly pulling his hand out, the younger man turned around to face him. "John, to be honest I don't feel that energetic tonight." He admitted with a sheepish smile. John scrunched his lips as he looked away for a moment, trying not to get annoyed, then decided to skip the buttons of his shirt and simply pulled it over his head.

"Can you still get it up?" The doctor asked straightforwardly, Sherlock frowned as he watched John undo his jeans.

"Get an erection? Obviously."

"Good, I'll ride you then." John decided, kicking off his underwear and jeans, standing naked with his hands on his hips, looking to Sherlock with a challenging expression. The younger man snorted as he looked away, smiling as he took off his watch.

"I guess I can't argue with that." Sherlock said in playful tone, John suddenly reached out, grabbing his wrist and in a moment, the detective found himself lying on the bed and John was crawling over his legs, "If you waited a moment I could have gotten my pants off." He teased gently as he watched John pull them off his hips, lifting up slightly to accommodate. John didn't say anything, instead began licking the shaft, hearing Sherlock inhale sharply.

"You're such a lazy bastard." John said quietly, taking the shaft into his hand and pumped a few times, feeling his mouth salivate as Sherlock's dick stiffened up, then took the head into his mouth. He kept his bobbing shallow, mainly focusing on sucking the head while his hand continued to jerk the shaft, his end goal was only to get Sherlock hard.

"John, more." Sherlock asked gently, placing his hand on John's neck, impulsive thoughts telling him to simply pushed him further. The younger man's body became hotter as he felt John's hand slide to the base and take more into his mouth, the head brushing the back of his throat, Sherlock laid back, only for the doctor to pull his mouth away completely. John sat up and moved up Sherlock's body, looking rather smug, the detective didn't take it to heart as he noticed a string of saliva going down the older man's chin, reaching over and wiped it away.

"Prick." John cursed, turning his head away, then moved to opened the nightstand, grabbing the lubricant and condoms, pushing one condom to Sherlock's chest.

"You're so abusive tonight." Sherlock commented, opening the condom and slipped it over his fingers, John pouring some lubricant over them.

"Yeah, you but get off on it." John said in return, scooting close so their chests pressed together, the younger man brought his fingers to John's rear, snaking straight for his asshole, pressing two fingers inside, John clung to Sherlock and sighed, trying his best not to moan and pressed his face into the detective's shoulder. Sherlock knew John was trying his best to hold back, pushing in deeper and began brushing both fingers against the other man's prostate teasingly, hearing a throaty groan in return. John licked his lips, pulling back with a slight flush, "That's enough." He decided, pusing Sherlock's hand away.

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