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*Just a continuation from previous chapter.

*Enjoy your reading sweetheart. ;)

Greg POV

I went to my room as soon as I got home. Mum reminded me to do my school work but I couldn't. I just kept replaying it in my head over and over again. I couldn't believe it. Someone who I never thought had any feelings at all and was completely focus on his own gain kissed me. I wanted so much to go to him and talk to him but I thought it was to soon. Besides he would have to communicate with me tomorrow so we wouldn't lose our streaks. I tried to work on my school work but everything reminded me of him. No matter how simple or complex I couldn't stop thinking of him. So finally I just decided to go to bed which I accomplished around two hours later. I woked up around 8 and did my normal things, trying to fill up time before my snap from Mycroft. It was around 2 when he didn't message me. I Decided to send him 'Hi. How are you?' with a picture of the sun. As soon as I hit send I threw my phone on my bed and walked away. After five minutes of eternally panicing and practically running around my house I built the courage to look at my telly. He had snapped and said. "Hi. Im busy. " with a black background. I was instantly filled with sadness. 'Why did he text so little? He didn't even ask how I was doing. Was he scared? Did he not like me?'. The feeling of rejection started to build knots in my stomach. I quietly set my phone down and left my room. I started to become numb as I walked into the kitchen where my mum was baking. She instantly asked me "What's wrong?" "Nothing" I faintly said as I sat down sorely at the table. She sat next to me and said "You can tell me anything." I debated for a second. "There um there is this person who I really like and I thought they liked me but now im not so sure." She looked at me concerned. " What's this girls name?" I looked at her for awhile. "Well um mum its not um a girl." I said shuddering. She instantly smiled. "I knew this would happen. " "Wait what" I unsteadily said "Well we clearly cannot tell your father." She said as she happily stares at me. "Wait. So you knew I was gay?" I asked. She nodded. I was happy about this but not enough. I slowly returned back to my miserable mood. "Look. Greg." She placed her hand on my shoulder." You are a amazing, wonderful, independent man and if he can't see that then he's a fool. " 'I hate to say it but my mum was right. If he didn't like me so what I didn't care.' I look at her gratefully, said thanks, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I ran up to my room all happy but soon reality hit me and I didn't know what to do. I made the decision to turn off my phone and just relax. I went out to hang out with some of my mates. It went better then I expected. It took my mind off Mycroft. I got home around 11 and quickly went to bed. The next day I was so excited for school. After that I would be working with Mycroft so maybe we could talk about the kiss. I was so scared and just thinking about it made me blushed. I kissed mum good bye and left. All day during school I tried to get Mycroft alone but it felt like once I entered a room he left or he was always talking to someone. He wouldn't even look at me. Eventually school finally ended and I went out to the garden where all the other kids were starting to get to work with there partners. Aghavni, a girl who was helping Mycroft with the green project walked up to me and said "Hey Lestarde. I'm your new partner." I look at her with confusion. "What where is Mycroft?" She shrugged her shoulders and started to walk towards the cafeteria . I followed. "So I know your assignment was to compose. " I nodded early keeping up. "Well congrats on the upgrade because you are now working on psv. Which is public and student view. You came just in time as we recently been tasked with this years fall dance." She said clearly. We arrived and I instantly searched the room for Mycroft. No luck. She took my hand suddenly and pulled me to 'our' desk. She handed me a stack of papers. "If you need any help or just want to talk here's my number." She said as she flirtatiously wrote it on my arm. After that she quickly got loss and I started to fill out the pages periodically looking around for Mycroft. Soon it was time to go home and Aghavni walked out with me. Dad was picking me up. He was still sick but putting on a strong front. We drove home without speaking until we were five minutes from our house. "So who was your mate." I was preoccupied looking on snap chat map for Mycroft. "Huh?" I partially looked up. "Is she your girlfriend. You can totally have her spend the night or come over if were out. You just can't tell mum." For once it was me looking at him like a failure. "Oh. So I can't spend the afternoon with a dude but your more then happy to let me fuck some girl." I said cynically almost yelling. He stop talking and we finally arrived home. I started to work on some stuff for the green dance. It was in a week 'I wonder who I would go with. Maybe Mycroft would ask me. Or i could ask him I don't know how it works.' Suddenly I was refilled with dread. 'Why was Mycroft so cold hearted? It's like he doesn't even care. Jesus he must of been a demented child. His parents seem so normal.' The next week flew by. Aghavni and I grew closer. I felt like we were good friends but eventually I notice the long stares and the flirtatiousness in her diction plus her always complimenting me. I finally figured out she fancied me. I didn't care much If she like me it was okay. It was until two days from the dance shit hit the fan. I was at foot ball practice when Aghavni walked up to me in front of all my hot mates and asked me to the danced. I would probably make some lam ass excuse but once I looked at all of my friends suspecting eyes I felt obligated to say yes. She went threw the roof and planed everything from our entranced to our scent. Never the less I think dad was happier then her. He started talking to me like we used to. About sports and such. My mum was disappointed that I was playing with a girls feelings but understood. Finally it came to the night of the dance. We arrived a bit late and followed Aghavni plan and went through the back. Everyone looked at us like we were famous. But then it passed and we went back to normal us. Aghavni and I were chatting and having a nice time. She was a pretty nice girl and she had a pretty face I guess. "Yeah Greg is pretty awesome at football. I can't wait for the game." Said Aghavni. I nodded my head in agreements. "Yeah it will be pretty lit." Then this slow song came on and I wasn't much of a dancer but Aghavni had her mind on it and that girl got everything she wanted. We started dancing it was a nice song. While her head was resting on my shoulders I looked up randomly then I saw him. It was Mycroft staring at me. I stop dancing. I was so angry and frustrated. The look on his face. He was sad. He shouldn't get to be sad. Aghavni stopped. "What's wrong?" I didn't even notice. I looked at her knowing Mycroft was looking and kissed her. It didn't mean anything to me but there was some tounge. I slowly looked up towards him just in time to see him rush out the door. I started to walk after him but Aghavni grabbed my arm. "What was that? Where are you going?" She looked concerned. "I can't do this." I pulled away again. "That's not good enough." she yelled. But I already started to walk out the door. I pulled out my telle to call Mycroft it was denied right away so his telle was probably off. I started looking everywhere. The cafeteria, the lab, even the toilet. Through my search I ended up in the garden. That's when I figured out where he would be. The place I hated most. I started to run towards the main building and up the stairs. When I got to the top I climbed up the ladder in the janitors closet to the roof. There he was, sitting against one of the air conditioners. I looked around so caught up in finding him not realizing how high it was. "How did you know I be here." He asked meltonly not even glancing at me. "Because you know im terrified of heights."He smiled" But we need to talk." I said. His smile was replaced with a sorrowful glance. "Fine don't talk but your gonna listen." I yelled. "I like you. A lot. And I know you like me to." He gets up starting to get agitated. "We kissed. And then you bail and you think that was fucking nothing." I rarely cuss, but when I do it means something." He stopped with his back towards me." That was a momentary lapse of judgment. Moment of weakness" I look down. Was this really all I meant to him. A momentary lapse in judgment? A mistake? "No. I don't believe." My voice said shaky. My eyes went blurry. He still didn't turn around. He still didn't say anything. "Fucking say something. Why don't you talk to me?" I walked up close to were he was and turned him around to see tears in his eyes. I bit my lip to hold back tears. "Mycroft. Were young. Were suppose to like people." I said trying to reassure him. "N-not me. I don't care about about emotion. They don't mean anything." He said trying to stable his voice. "Fine. Don't look at this like an emotion. What do you want from me?" I asked. My eyes became clear and I tried to look at this situation with as little as emotion possible. "Well um." His voice was more calm."Nothing." He said hastily. I laughed finding his facade humorous. "If that was the case you wouldn't be avoiding me and crying." He looked down for what seemed like forever. "I want to be around you." He said in a barely audible voice. " Okay. I want that to." He looked up at me finally understanding." I want to kiss you." This shocked me. I stared into his clear deep eyes almost getting lost before I walked closer, are body's touching. I felt his breath below my mouth. I put my hand on his chin as I slowly pulled him in till our mouths touched. It was special. I wanted to smile. There wasn't any tounge or anything like that. We stopped and he slowly let out his breath. "Do you wanna hangout sometime?" He nodded his head and I smiled so much it felt like my mouth would break off.

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