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*Here is the last chap for our parentlock stories (but there will still another one shot of your daddylock)
*I just got to my dream university today and I'm so glad full bout that. I wish that what ever your dreams will come true and please do enjoy your reading sweetheart. ;)

They arrived back at Baker Street 20 minutes later " I think you better go say hello to a certain someone before you frighten her and give her a heart attack" John said nodding to Mrs Hudsons flat. "Come on Hamish " he said leading his son up the stairs leaving Sherlock downstairs. Sherlock sighed after he watched John and Hamish walk into their flat and walked over to Mrs Hudson's door and knocked on it waiting for her to answer. A minute or so later she opened her door seeing the tall slender figure stood in front of her " Sherlock?" She said in disbelief " No Surely I must be seeing things!"

Sherlock smiled slightly " No Mrs Hudson it really is me, I know you thought I was dead" He began.

She took a back as she looked at him, almost making sure it was him " Sherlock! " she shouted slapping his arm " Don't do that! We've been out of our minds and John and Hamish! Didn't you ever think about them!" She started to say loudly " you've pulled some stunts in your time but never this!" She sighed as she walked back into her flat clearly not amused by Sherlock so called stunt.

"No! Mrs. Hudson, you don't understand. I was protecting them! I had to, otherwise they would've been killed. I couldn't risk it!" Sherlock calls after her as she's walking away from him.

" Oh I'm sure! Leaving poor John and Hamish like that! Some sort of father you are!" She said back to him

Sherlock stills and has to hold back even more tears. "I know. I'm a horrible husband and an even worse father. I know, you don't have to t-tell me."

" Go on be off with you, it's them you need to make it up to. Three years of it. " She said shooing him away.

Sherlock wiped at his face and nodded before making his way upstairs back to their flat.

The door had been left open and Hamish saw his dad walking up the stairs and smiled, he still barely believed this was actually happening that his dad was back. When he arrived at the doorway Hamish grasped onto him " Tea Sherlock?" John asked.

"Tea would be lovely." Sherlock said as he moved towards the sofa with Hamish and sat down. Sherlock looked around. Nothing had changed....except a few added items here and there.

Hamish sat down at his dads side as he leaned onto his chest holding his torso, now he had gotten him back he never wanted to let him go. John arrived back with the cups of tea 5 minutes later handing him a cup as he sat down next to Sherlock with his own cup.

"Thank you." Sherlock told John as he accepted the cup of tea. One arm around Hamish and one holding his tea, he continued looking around the flat.

" Nothing has changed " John said as he saw Sherlock's eyes scanning the flat " we kept it just as it was , Hamish insisted " He said

"It was perfect just like it was it reminded me of you" Hamish smiled looking up at dad.

Sherlock nodded with a small smile. There was a question at the tip of his tongue, but he held back from asking it right now. Things were perfect just as they were. Hamish nuzzled his dads chest feeling content that he was back, honestly it was the happiest John had seen Hamish in a very long he hasn't been the same since Sherlock 'died' John thought to himself.

Sherlock smiled and kissed the top on Hamish's head lovingly. "Hey, Mish? Would you do something for me?"

He looked up at his dad again " yeah sure" he smiled.

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