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*I'm planning on putting our mystrade oneshot in this book becuz why not right?! well maybe I'll put it in this book later after I'm done with the God-know-how dull assignments.
And please have a silence for our biggest shipper of johnlock, Una Stubbs (mrs.hudson). May she always rest in peace.

*enjoy your life sweetheart. ;)

"When are you two going to be together?" Mrs. Hudson asked as she gave John his tea. She had showed up in their apartment and they invited her to have tea, which she ended up making.

"We are not gay." John answered for the millionth time, trying not to sound rude.

"Well, maybe you are not. But our dear Sherlock is, right?" She asked Sherlock this time, handing him the tea.

Sherlock didn't answer, he just glanced Mrs. Hudson for a moment, then returned his gaze to the window.

"And how do you know this?" John was surely confused.

"Because I accidentally heard him talk the other day with someone who sounded like his boyfriend."

Just as John opened his mouth to ask something else, Mrs. Hudson yelped, causing both Sherlock and John give her a concern look.

"I forgot I invited Mrs. River for tea, I have to go. Good bye." And with this she left of their apartment, closing the door behind her.

"Good bye." Watson shouted, hoping she would hear him. "So..." John was thinking which would be the best way to ask Sherlock about what Mrs. Hudson said, but as always, Sherlock was a step ahead of him.

"Oh, just ask." He growled.

"A boyfriend?" John blurted out, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Not exactly." He answered simply, clearly annoyed by the subject, but John wasn't gonna leave it like that, he didn't know anything about Sherlock's love life, he didn't even know he had one.

"Then a friend with benefits?"

"Our arrangement is more complicated, but yes, kind of."

"Oh." John didn't know how to feel or what to say, so he said the first words that came to his mind. "If it's so complicated, why aren't you just boyfriends?"

Sherlock squinted at him, and John felt uncomfortable, he had never been bothered by Sherlock's scrutiny before, actually he was quite used to it. But this time was different, there was something he didn't want him to see.

"Because I do not have feelings for him." He replied coldly.

"Then why are you with him?"

"I am not 'with him', I'm not even sure what 'being with him' means. Our relationship is pure sex." He said bitterly.

"Pure sex." John repeated his words as if he was trying to understand them.

"Yes, John. Pure sex." He gauged his reaction, John's face was at first confused, then he made a grimace and opened his mouth several times, attempting to say something.

"Although, I do have feelings for someone else. That's why I ended our relationship." Sherlock continued when he decided John wouldn't say anything unless he encouraged him.

"Really? You have feelings for someone?" John tried to mock him in a poor attempt to hide his nervousness.

"Yes, John." Sherlock never lost his composure and John secretly hated him for that.

"May I know who?" John inquired, his hands not able to stay still on his lap.

"Sure, John." Sherlock smiled faintly, standing up from his chair with a swift but delicate movement.

John was too shocked to process what was happening. He only understood the situation until Sherlock's face was centimeters from his.

"John Watson, I have feelings for you and I'm a little bit offended by the fact that you didn't notice before."

John's mouth hung opened for a while, Sherlock's face still very close to his. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Sherlock Holmes, the only consulting criminal in the world, the most brilliant, annoying and unique person he had ever know had feelings for him. But he had to ask himself "Do I have feelings for him too?" In that moment he remembered every single time he had been amazed by him and his acts, how he always seemed to be so selfish and self-centered, but how he actually cared about people more than anyone could expect. And he thought "Of course I have feelings for this man!" So he did what he know was the most appropriate thing to do: he closed the gap between their lips.

After a few minutes of kissing, they had to catch their breaths.

"I think Mrs. Hudson will be very pleased when she knows about this."

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