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John and Sherlock have hardly had any time to themselves since the twins were born. Greg and Mycroft offer to babysit so that John and Sherlock can have some time alone. A bit of smut, but mostly fluff.

John and Sherlock woke up to Hamish and Emmalyn screaming. Sherlock looked over at John, he was not going to get up this time, because he had the last time, "John... your children want you," Sherlock said as he curled up into himself.

John groaned and buried his face into his pillow, "I have to work in the morning, Sherlock. Can't you get them?"

Sherlock wrapped himself in the sheets, "John, no. I was the one that checked on them last time."

"Fine," John sat up in bed, still a little drowsy but awake. He then got up and made his way upstairs to the nursery to check on the twins. They were both wet, so he changed them and tried to lie them back down, only to have them loudly protest. "Alright, alright. You can sleep with me and Papa tonight." He grabbed one in each arm and carried them back down to their bedroom. He walked in and looked over at Sherlock, "They're sleeping in here. I can't put them back down."

Sherlock got up, his hair a mess, "Fine, as long as they sleep in here," Sherlock took Emmalyn from John and set her next to him on the bed. He kissed the top of her head, covered in dark curls. She smiled at him and then yawned. Sherlock sighed happily, he would never get bored of that. He loved the twins, as much as everyone wanted to think that he despised children, he loved them more than anything. They were fascinating and so full of potential. Emmalyn snuggled into Sherlock's chest as he got comfortable again.

John looked at Sherlock and smiled, Sherlock and his daughter were so gorgeous. John got into bed with Hamish and set him next to Emmalyn in the middle. "I'm pretty sure they'll fall asleep with us, but me, I'm not so sure about. I'm not really all that tired anymore." John brought Hamish a little closer to his chest to keep him from hitting his sister and kissed him on the top of his head when he cuddled closer yet.

Sherlock looked at the six month old twins, they were gorgeous. Emmalyn had a striking resemblance to Sherlock, all dark curls and cheek bones, and gorgeous cupid bow lips. Hamish looked like John with sandy hair and his fists clenched most of the time. The two of them were quite the pair, and when the four of them were together in public, they turned heads.Sherlock hadn't completely given up on consulting, but he had taken considerably fewer cases since the twins. It was worth it, to watch these two grow up. They may be only six months old, but they had already changed so much already, and he didn't miss a thing. Sherlock looked over at John and Hamish, the two next to each other was quite the sight. They both looked so peaceful, and Hamish had already drifted off again while John was mesmerized by watching him Sleep. "Try get some sleep, Love," Sherlock said to John as his eyelids were already dropping again.

John tore his eyes away from his son to look at his husband with a small smile on his face, "I'll try, and if I can't fall asleep, I'll rest my eyes," he promised with a nod of his head. Looking as Sherlock and Emmalyn, he wasn't quite sure where one's hair started and the other ended. "And you need sleep more than I do right now." After a moment he closed his eyes as promised and listened to the sounds of Sherlock, Emmalyn, and Hamish breathing. The sounds were more comforting than he could describe, "I love you all...." he whispered.

"We love you too, John," Sherlock said as he reached over to his husband and pulled him over their children for a kiss. John hummed softly on his lips and they both relaxed further, "Goodnight, Love," he said, and with one last look at his family, he was fast asleep, hoping that John would get an adequate amount of sleep to function properly in the morning at work.

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