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 I decided to write what I think about with a silly short story so that every time they comment something such as "ohh but John (or Sherlock sometimes) will be a sexy/strong/oh so manly Alpha, does he not???????", I will send this fic as a response.

If the personalities are somewhat confusing, that is because John and Sherlock in Victorian times always remind me more of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (TV Series 1984-1985) rather than the BBC series, but well.

It is a day just like any other day at 221B Baker Street; London remains with its complicated and unstable weather, Mrs Hudson is spending time in planting flowers, Doctor Watson had a hectic day at work and he decides to have a pleasant cup of tea as any other Englishman would; then we have the popular and successful detective, Sherlock Holmes, thoughtful and in his world, but that is something habitual in him.



The detective opens his eyes and looks intently at his roommate and best friend.

"There is an issue I have been trying to deal with for several days."

"Oh, is this about a new case?"

"No, actually no."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Tell me what it is about!"

"Watson, this subject... or issue implies that I need your opinion. It is something quite serious and I need you to pay attention to me carefully."

Well, now Dr Watson does not know what to think. Yes, his friend is quite peculiar, but rarely does he look as serious as he does now. The situation was new to him because if it was not a serious matter about a criminal case, then Holmes wanted to talk about something personal?

"I have been thinking about power and...relationships."

"Relationships? You? This is definitely a day to mark on the calendar."

"Watson, please. This is serious. I need you to concentrate on what I will say and yes, it may not seem an ordinary topic that I would talk about but this also involves you."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Be quiet and listen to me."

"...Please continue."

"Thank you."

This must be a pretty serious matter because Holmes seemed uncomfortable.

"Four days ago I found out we have fans."



"Oh, yes. Sorry."

"At first I thought it was ridiculous. Fans of us? and no, not only of my work, they are literally fans of both of us; they are fans of you and I, and for them, we are two inseparable individuals."

By now Watson is already sweating. It was not the first time he had heard ridiculous rumours about the both of them, once they had the wretchedness to insinuate about him in a newspaper when they wrote that he was a "Confirmed bachelor."

"Holmes, if this is what we discussed once, I thought you cared nothing about rumours."

"My dear friend, do not be impatient and stop interrupting me. Yes, it is true that I do not care about rumours but I must talk about this."

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