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Character A wondered if smearing come on skin was something all Alphas tended to do. Or perhaps Character A wound up choosing the most possessive Alpha around.

Johnlock Omegaverse.

"Tell me you want this," Sherlock murmurs. John lowers his head and exhales roughly, avoiding Sherlock's gaze.

"I'll think about it." Sherlock lounges against the doorframe to John's room, looking every bit the imposing alpha that he is. John bites his lower lip and turns away to stand at the window.

"You should go," John says decisively. "I'm going to change and get ready for my date." Sherlock continues standing there, forehead creasing in frustration. John sighs and gives up, heading to his cupboard to look for a suitable outfit.

"You are afraid of this ruining our working relationship," Sherlock says suddenly. "I have thought it through and I suppose I can see why you are reluctant to enter a sexual relationship with me." He sidles up to John, who is standing frozen, and sinuously rubs his cheek against John's. John jerks back after a few seconds, face stricken.

'Sherlock,' John says warningly. In Sherlock's experience a tone like this usually precedes a punch, so he tries to talk as fast as possible.

"I'm attractive and so are you," Sherlock replies hastily. "People already think we're fucking. True, an older beta shagging an alpha does tend to scandalise mums, but there's been a huge progress in marriage equality and representation in the media. There are civil partnerships for couples outside of the traditional alpha-omega dynamic. John, I wish to bed you. In conclusion, we should shag." John reaches up and massages his forehead testily.

"Fine," John says finally, though his hands still smooth down his so-called 'date night' shirt. Sherlock grins. "But I'm not ditching my date, Sherlock. I'm not that kind of person."

You are for me, Sherlock thinks rebelliously, but wisely keeps his mouth shut.

"Tomorrow night, then," Sherlock says, and bounds out of John's room before he can change his mind.

John looks back at his wardrobe and gets changed. Later, he spends his date wondering what he's gotten himself into. The beta date leaves in a huff, but John walks back home placidly with his hands in his pockets and thinks about Sherlock. He supposes he'll have to visit the supermarket tomorrow for supplies.


"Now, I ain't ready to be bonded

But I do agree there's times

When an omega sure can be a friend of mine."

Sister Golden Hair by America (1975)


Sherlock wants to fuck John into the bed just as thoroughly as he does everything else.

"You're an addict," Lestrade had said to him once, back in the day, and it still holds true. It's maddeningly addictive to have a warm body under one's own, especially when said body is wriggling and emitting soft, pleased sounds when Sherlock strokes a hand anywhere. Except the sides of the waist. As it turns out, John is ticklish and Sherlock indulges himself, fingers pushing hard into soft sides. John yelps and giggles, back arching to press his front up against Sherlock and squirming deliciously.

"If you want to fuck me, just do it." Sherlock presses his nose to John's collarbones and inhales sharply.

"I do want to, very badly." John sighs and turns away, eyes drifting as he grabs the lube and presses it into Sherlock's hand. Sherlock had been thrilled when he saw the shape of it in the shopping bag, knowing that John had gone to the shops and did the shopping and thought about Sherlock fucking him into next week. It is a novel idea. What if John, after this sexual encounter, thinks about Sherlock's hands whenever he's standing in line at the cashier's with a tube of lube in hand? Or what if John blushes while looking at the dairy section while remembering how Sherlock felt inside him? He likes these future scenarios very much. Sherlock squirts out lube into his hand. It's cold. He should have rested it on something warm before bringing it up here. Maybe next time, with one of Mrs. Hudson's hot-water bottles. The tartan one perhaps. He suspects she would be scandalised if she knew what he was planning to do with it.

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