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*SMUT WARNING!!! You may skip this part though i know you still read it ;)

*Enjoy the story sweetheart :)

Sherlock's breath catches as John leans for the wine. "A picnic John, really? How pedestrian."

John simply smiles, pours the wine, and passes Sherlock his glass. Sherlock scowls at the glass,

before finally accepting it. He sniffs, then swirls, impressed at John's taste in wine. "I didn't know

you had knowledge of wine John." John ignores the snub and continues to lay out the rest of the items from the basket.

Sherlock watches as John prepares him a plate of delicate cheeses, crackers and fruit. John did not have his normal, sharp military efficacy while preparing the meal. He seemed, nervous, and if Sherlock had not been paying attention, he would have missed the slight tremor in John's hand as
he passed Sherlock his plate. Was this, had John set this up as a date?

Sherlock slowly began to eat his meal, as John looked on. He could see John fidget and fuss at the items on the blanket, and slowly, John's nerves began to affect Sherlock. Sherlock dropped his napkin in his confusion, not knowing what to do with his hands. He finally decided to pick up his
wine glass again. As he went to take a sip, John retrieved his napkin, placing it back on his knee,his hand, lingering longer than necessary. In his shock, Sherlock spilled his wine.

"Spilling your wine Sherlock? That is not like you", John said coyly, as he leaned in. Sherlock watched as that damn pink tongue darted from John's lips. John leaned in, catching the drop of wine as it slide down Sherlock's neck. Sherlock froze as John's tongue made its way up his neck,curved around his jaw, and stopped, just at the side of Sherlock's cupids bow.

" Can't have you making a mess now, can I?"

John leans back in time to see Sherlock's eyes go black (since all fan fic needs the eyes dilating,yes? It is required). No longer the seas of color, but pools of shock and uncertainty. "John?"

The rich, deep baritone of Sherlock's voice, saying his name, went STRAIGHT to John's cock.

Like, straight down there. Pooled in his belly and stuff. (Why is arousal always pooling in the belly I ask? I don't feel arousal in my belly. Is this a gay man thing? Or a fanfic thing?) Anyways, yes,deep, rich, thick, deep (I said deep) baritone voice, saying his name, straight to the man boner.

"Sherlock, you should not use your voice around me. I may not be able to contain myself". "Is that so, *lowers voice more* John?"

At this cocky display of ego, John leans the rest of the way and finally takes his first kiss from Sherlock *insert fireworks, more belly arousal being pooled, sparks at every point of contact on the body, etc*. Drowning, they are drowning in each other, yes. That is it.

"But John, we are, we are in the park, people will see!" At this, John growls, and shoves Sherlock onto his back.

"Let them watch!"

Sherlock scrambles to remove John's jumper. The jumper that hides all his badass qualities. Kitten jumpers. He pulls off the first jumper, to find, a second jumper??? Oh John, why must you hide under so many jumpers? Let the world see your BAMF self.

He swiftly removes the second, to find, a third??? Oh the curses, why so many jumpers John?? Finally, finally, the undershirt, which is, another jumper? Oh John, why? But finally, bare skin, yes. Once his hand makes contact with John's burning flesh, more pooling of arousal in the belly.

John finds himself fumbling with Sherlock's overly expensive trousers (not pants though, stupid Americans, those are his boxers, I mean, pants, I mean, oh shut up American!).

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