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Sherlock's got a new case on, but he's not sharing the details with John.

"Love without risk is an impossibility, like war without death." - Alain Badiou

"John?" Sherlock says conversationally from where he is seated at the breakfast table, sipping his tea and scribbling on post-its. "I believe I am in need of your assistance with an experiment."

John hums, taking a sip of his own tea and turning the page of the newspaper. "Yeah? Sure Sherlock. What do you need?"

"I think we should start with the nipples. Seems the most logical- they're highly erogenous and mine happen to be very sensitive, which is why I prefer quality silk shirts." Sherlock looks up when he hears John sputter into his mug. "Are you alright, John?" He asks, concerned, one eyebrow raised elegantly.

"I... uh. No. Nope." He stands, setting his mug down so hard drops of tea splash over. "No."

"John? Where are you going? I thought we could begin right now..." The door shuts with a foundation-shaking slam. "Or tomorrow works too, if you've got an appointment now."

Sherlock sighs and picks up a red post-it.

"Sherlock? What's— what have you got there? You're dripping it all over... jesus ."

"Lolly. This one's strawberry. There's more in the freezer, if you'd like one. I was a bit warm. Vigorous violinning. But this is doing the trick nicely."

"Um..." John coughs and swallows. Sherlock's eyes stay glued on the ceiling as he pulls the icy treat from his lips with a pop. "You're a madman."

"So you've said."

"It's not even hot."

"I'd disagree." Sherlock inhales and stretches his neck long before letting his head loll lazily to the side. "And the perspiration soaking into your shirt right now would too."


"What's that, John? Do speak up. You know I cannot abide mumbling."

"Was a fast walk. I came— uh... I walked... home. Fast."


Sherlock smiles to himself as the bathroom door clicks shut. He discards the wooden stick and pulls over a fresh stack of post-its.



"Have you given any more thought to that experiment? You left so abruptly the other night, we didn't get a chance to decide on a start date. But I'm available now... and you're— where are you going? You've only just sat down!"

John's eyes squeeze shut before he stands and walks stiffly up the stairs. Sherlock sighs and adjusts the towel around his waist as he calls after him.

"Later then. Of course."

John. - SH

Sherlock, we've discussed this. If you need me for something, it's best if you include that information in the first text, instead of just my name.

Also, you don't have to sign your texts anymore. I know it's you.

You're the only person who texts me constantly.

At all. -SH


I'm the only one who texts you at all. -SH


Did you need something?

You -SH

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