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*this one is FREEBATCH which is benedict and martin fanfic and SMUT WARNING. i know that some of fan outta there dont like this ship but yes. i found this one pretty good so i just put it here. you can skip this one and no offense and i understand some of you found it disgusting.

*take care of yourself sweetheart. ;)

"What are we doing, Martin?" Ben says this then finds his way to the crook between Martin's head and shoulders. He gives a gentle kiss to his neck. Martin's head falls back to give him more space to work and Ben doesn't waste it.

Martin slides from the bed, leaving behind its warmth and its occupant. Memories of the night before are swimming in his head, along with remnants of a night of too much drink and too little inhibitions. It was good, of course it was good. It's always good and that's the problem. It's so good they never walk away and never make the hard choices. They didn't even miss a beat when one of them went off and got married. But now they need to talk and they're avoiding. Hell he's avoiding because he's found it's near impossible to stop. So he isn't trying to sneak out, but he also doesn't want to have the same conversation again. The one they keep having where they say this should be the last time but later find themselves gravitating to each other whenever possible.

This time it's in New York as compared to London, Atlanta, or Matamata. So the city is new, but everything else is the same. He was there shooting a quick thing and even though Ben was supposed to be in Atlanta, somehow he found the time to take the trip up. Martin had a nice night with a few from the crew planned but once he got the text from Ben he knew he'd beg off and see him. After all it would be nice to "catch up." But that ever-consistent lie was short lived and they found themselves having a meal at Ben's small Brooklyn apartment. The place was cozy. Martin liked it immediately and he smiled once he walked in. Ben had the food he'd picked up on a small table, along with two already made drinks.

The place wasn't much more than a bed, a kitchen, and the smallest loo Martin's ever seen in his life. So it was no wonder that while sitting on the bed they fell back into old routines. Which, fucking hell, wasn't what he'd planned to do. He wasn't in a committed relationship anymore, but he had someone who cared about him and whom he cared about. But he was on a bed with Ben and Ben made him laugh then looked at him like he hung the moon. And the way Ben's eyes danced when he was laughing was one thing, but they way they dipped to look at his lips was another. So Martin reached out his hands and pulled Ben close. It wasn't long after Ben was straddling his lap and Martin forgot about anyone else. Because when Ben's around that's who has his eyes, his thoughts, his fucking heart. Fuck. Fucking pointless.

He hates feeling like this. Like at any moment he'll erupt and expose something he's been hiding from Ben for years now. There's a tension between them, one that's been growing with every encounter. He knows it. Ben does too. If they keep on like this then they'll hurt themselves or someone or fuckin hell probably both.

Martin walks around gathering his things. Things that'd been thrown here and there in the midst of everything. And, of course, the last thing he finds is the first thing he needed. He slides the pants on then sits gently on the bed trying to be quick and quiet before his exit.

The movement, however, wakes Ben who wakes with a start. He sits up grabbing for his phone on the small table. Upon finding it he looks at the time and appears to calm down.

"Thank God. I was worried I was late for a thing."

Martin pauses in sliding his trousers on. He raises an eyebrow and turns towards Ben. "A thing?" He says it stressing the second word.

Ben nonchalantly shrugs. "Yes, just a thing."

 This gets a tight smile from Martin. It's not that Ben doesn't have his own life that Martin doesn't know about. Hell most of it is a mystery to him, but Ben doesn't usually hide "things" away when they're together. Another reminder that things just aren't as easy as they should be.

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