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*SMUT WARNING you may skip this whole part as it might not suitable for some of you(though i know u will still read it😏) but still skip it alright if u r not comfortable enough.

*to those who were struggling with your day, I just hope tht you can face it no matter what happen. i know you're strong n way stronger than u think you are alright? have a lovely day sweetheart. ;)

"I want you." John moaned into Sherlock's mouth. It all happened so suddenly... it appeared in his mind like a blur.

Him being mad at Sherlock about something he couldn't remember. Sherlock seeming totally indifferent and bored. Him telling Sherlock he couldn't do it anymore. Sherlock being confused, taking him by the wrist just before he could open the door to leave. Him turning around and seeing the sadness and desperation in Sherlock's eyes. And the words, it would be impossible for him to forget those words. I need you.

And that had been all, after those words were said, everything else was just letting go. When John remembered his existence and who he was, they were laying on the couch; Sherlock on top of John, nothing hindering their bodies from touching. None of them remembered how they ended up like that, none of them cared.

Thinking wasn't their priority, touching was, also nibbling and caressing. But thinking could wait, everything else could wait. Sherlock's passion and tenderness startled him. He had always thought he would be practical and cold, but he wasn't. In that moment he wasn't embarrassed of admitting he had thought about it a lot. He was incapable of feeling anything else than love, passion and pleasure.

Sherlock returned to nibbling his neck, John automatically stretched it to give him more room. Sherlock licked, bit and grasped with his teeth every inch of skin he found. John felt he was about to explode, so he did the only thing his clouded mind thought of: beg. "Please, Sherlock. I need you." He inadvertently used the same words Sherlock had before, and that made the taller man quiver. He was impatient to make John finally his, but the right thing was to wait. And John deserved it.

"Shh..." He soothed him. "I'll make every second of waiting worth it." And with that, he kissed him delicately. Then he lowered his lips, attacking his neck again, he kept going down, kissing his chest, grazing his teeth on his shoulders, sucking at his hipbones. Adoring every part of him, as if he was the most precious thing in existence. But what John didn't know is that he was, for Sherlock he was the most beautiful and magnificent creation in the world.

When Sherlock though it was time, he levelled himself with John and kissed him, then made a silent question. John understood instantly and nodded.

"It will hurt." Sherlock cautioned him. John gulped, gathering courage. He looked at Sherlock's face, the beautiful blue in his eyes was gone and replaced by his black pupils. His cheeks were red, just as his neck. His lips were plump and red. He was ready.

"I know it will." Sherlock took it as the permission he needed and brought his fingers to his mouth, wetting them. Then he slowly introduced one inside his lover, he bit his neck to distract him front the pain and the discomfort he knew John was feeling. He remembered his first time and wished with all his heart it had been with John.

John tried to focus on Sherlock's tongue, leaving a wet trail all over his neck and clavicle. A second finger was introduced, it stung. "It feels odd."

"I know." Sherlock brought their lips together as he fingered his fingers. Finally, a third finger was inside and soon he was ready.

Sherlock extracted his fingers and placed himself between John's legs. He started moving slowly, trying to make it as painless as possible. He never got his eyes away from John.

John's breath became erratic, the pain was different from anything he had ever felt, but in some way it was also good. When Sherlock was half way there, he stopped, letting John get used to the feeling. He continued after a moment. Shortly, he was filling John completely.

"Shall I move now?" Sherlock asked. "Yes." John's voice came strained.

Sherlock obeyed and rocked his hips slowly at first, but his thrusts rapidly became faster, though he was still delicate and fond in some way John could not explain. John's mind was lost, everything had disappeared and the only thing left was the feeling of Sherlock inside him and his eyes, never looking away. The color was long gone, his pupils dilated. He was feeling so much pleasure... "Fuck!" John shouted when Sherlock hit his sweet spot, causing a wave of heat surge in his stomach. Sherlock kept hitting that spot and soon John couldn't handle it anymore. He felt so much bliss he blacked out for a moment, he hardly felt Sherlock coming inside him. When he came back to himself, Sherlock was cleaning himself with a towel, he had already cleaned John, that made him wonder how long he had been unconscious.

"It wasn't long." Sherlock answered, as if he had been reading his mind. "Oh, that's good." He answered, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Sherlock threw the towel away and laid down next to John, holding him tight. "I love you, John." He confessed, kissing his lover's forehead.

"I love you too, Sherlock."

"I know."

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