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John finally asks what the certificate is about, but it's only an excuse to get some d*ck.

John was putting fresh sheets on the bed, humming to himself, once he got a corner fitted he dropped the mattress onto the frame a little carelessly, causing the headboard to smack into the wall. He paused, hands freezing above the mattress in surprise, nothing fell so he resumed making the bed, looking forward to sleeping in fresh sheets tonight, then went on to continue the house work. Later in the evening, Sherlock came into the bedroom, looking to change into his pajamas, finding them neatly folded and knew John had done the laundry, once he popped his head out from the neck, he noticed something different and sighed with annoyance, closing his eyes for a moment.

"John, come here," He called out from the door, "Honestly." Grumbling as he waited for the doctor, John arrived a moment later, confused.

"What?" He asked, noticing Sherlock's annoyance. The detective held out his hand towards the wall.

"Look!" The younger man exclaimed, John looked at the wall with a frown.

"What am I looking at?" John asked, raising his brows as he looked back to the other man, Sherlock clicked his tongue then climbed the bed, standing on top of the mattress. He straightened out the certificate that was framed and hung over the bed, then held out his hand to it.

"How could you miss this?!" Sherlock shook his hand by the certificate.

"Jesus!" John said with exasperation, dipping his head back and shrugged his shoulders, "You are so dramatic!" He added, smiling and shook his head. Sherlock crossed his arms and stepped off the bed.

"And you're such a clumsy oaf." The younger man said in return, John grunted, stepping over and pushed at Sherlock's chest.

"Now you're just being mean." The older man glared, Sherlock raised his brows in challenge.

"And what are you gonna do about it?"


The pair sat in their respective chairs, on this fine Saturday. There'd yet to be anything interesting happening, Sherlock was more sprawled in his chair than sitting, his pajamas riding up his side as he read the newspaper. John was reading the comments on his blog when he remembered something.

"What is the certificate above the bed anyways? I can tell it's written in Japanese..." He asked, his eyes darting to the exposed skin. Sherlock practically slapped the newspaper into his lap, looking at John, happy for a distraction.

"Judo." He answered simply, John's expression flashed with a happy surprise.

"Judo? You know martial arts?" He asked, clearing his throat, Sherlock sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Of course I know martial arts- I have a certificate to prove it, John." The detective said with exasperation, flailing slightly as he sat up. The doctor found some entertainment in Sherlock's annoyance, setting his phone down.

"I've noticed, so are you a green belt?" John asked teasingly, part of Sherlock knew the older man was goading him on, but the need for things to be correct took over.

"Black belt, 10th degree." The younger man answered, raising his brows in slight challenge. John didn't have much interest in martial arts, but he did get some hand to hand training in the military, so he knew just enough to defend himself. And maybe a few bars fights here and there.

"Really?" John asked with enthusiasm, grinning, "So can you show me how to do a proper karate chop?" He asked, pulling himself out his seat.

"Don't be so transparent, John." Sherlock said with a slight glare, standing up, knowing full well the other man was just goofing around at this point. The both moved some of the furniture to clear the floor. "But just to clarify; Judo is a combat sport meant to throw or take down the opponent and pin them down." The detective explained in earnest, "Now, stand a fourth to the side, place your feet shoulder length apart and bend the knees slightly." Sherlock instructed, taking the stance as well and raised his hands chest height. John did the same, body facing the opposite direction and raised his hands.

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