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Intended to post yesterday but I forgot.

One: Back story of Sope

It was all started when Yoongi and Hoseok were in highschool. They're both close friends along with their two other friends, Namjoon and Seokjin. Hoseok always had a crush on Yoongi for two years but he never got himself to confess to the older. So, he kept the feeling to himself.

He was afraid that the other didn't have the same feeling as him and ruined their friendship. Then it proved true as the older said he liked someone. Yoongi was a cold person but when you get to know him, he's not as bad. He only struggle to show affection. It quite surprising for him to like someone.

Days goes by and Yoongi noticed how Hoseok was getting distance and quiet nowadays. He felt the aching feeling in his heart. He loves the younger males for awhile now about a few months ago. He loves the younger's excited voice when he told something, his smile, oh my the older was so in love.

That year was their final year in highschool, so, a prom night happened. Hoseok not expecting Yoongi to ask him to be his partner but to his surprise, the older did. He couldn't be any happier by that. But, he kept himself under control and keep his distance from the older.

One of the reason why Yoongi wants to brought the younger with him because he wants to confess and also he had enough of Hoseok distancing him in a few occasions so he wants to know the truth.

Apparently he did. How? Well.. after the party, Hoseok was drunk. Yoongi also a little bit but he's still in his sense. He dragged the younger to his house. He need to know why the younger was acting like this. Yoongi slammed Hoseok to the door as he closed it trapping the male in his arms.

Well you can guess what happened next...

Next morning, Yoongi asked Hoseok to be his boyfriend and the male couldn't be any more excited so he said yes. Yoongi helped him washed up. Poor boy couldn't even walk.

They're glad it was Saturday so they don't need to go to school. They planning to reveal their relationship with others on Monday

Two: Back story of YoonMinSeok

Years passed after their graduation day and the members were separated to their own paths but they still in contact with each other. They also hanging out together in holidays. Hoseok had moved in with Yoongi after the graduation.

Yoongi build up his own company with the help of his father, Min Entertainment. He also work as a producer there under the name Suga. Hoseok worked as a professional dance instructor, named J-hope and also being the Co-CEO of Yoongi's company.

Yoongi had taken over his father's mafia gang but keep secret about his identity by wearing masks. So, no one know the CEO, Min Yoongi and Mafia boss, AgustD are the same person. Except for their friends. Hoseok know his mafia work and accept the other as who he is no matter what.

How they met Jimin? Well..

Jimin was from an abusive household where his mother died when he's 10 and his father started to get abusive. His father always out gambling and went home drunk. He always hit Jimin and blaming on his wife's death on the poor child.

Jimin grown up with the abuse from his father until he was 17 years old. His father had a huge dept with the Mafia boss causing him to get caught by them. Jimin was walking home from his school when he saw the Mafia boss was sitting in the living room with his father being hold on his knees. His father begged to the mafia boss and offered Jimin as the exchange of the payment.

Jimin was shocked by that his father literally just sold him to a mafia boss. Just proves how much he hated him.

This was the turning point of his life...

He was brought by the guards to the mansion and into a room. He never struggles or protest and obediently follow them. He knew it's better than to disobey a mafia. He thought he would become a maid, a butler or even worse...a slave.

The next day he woken up by a maid telling him to meet the boss during breakfast. He quickly freshen up and hurried to the dining room. Greeting the boss and bowing down, feeling nervous as the room falls silence. "Rise your face." He flinched a little hearing the deep voice before looked up.

Jimin was shocked seeing two familiar faces in front of him. After the incident, Jimin confirmed they are the Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, the CEOs of Min Ent. He recognized them because he really loves dancing and watched Hoseok's dance videos secretly behind his father.

He dreamed about being a dancer but it was thrown away by his father's abuse.

The two of them never treated him badly and took care of him. At first, it was difficult for him because he was used to do something for his father. He would woke up early to cook them breakfast even though the maids protest. They would called him as 'young master' which he doesn't like and insisted to call him Jimin.

The bruises from his father faded as the times flew by. Jimin unfortunately fell in love with the elders but he felt wrong as the two of them are already dating each other so, he restricted himself.

Yoongi and Hoseok were aware of the younger's feeling towards them. They decided to open up their relationship for Jimin. They both too had fallen in love with him since he came.

They three then had polyamory relationship. Jimin get all the love he had been craving for since young and they really spoiled him especially by Hoseok.

Well, Jimin is their babyboy after all.

Now that's all for the backstory of them...

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