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Yoongi and Hoseok turned out to be watching the whole movie. It was near the dinner time when they ended. "Hyung, I don't feel good. Let's go check on him. I'm sure he learned his lesson hyung." Hoseok said concerned. Yoongi sighed. "You're right. I think I'm being too harsh on him." They both walked upstairs towards the room.

They stood in front of the door their concerns growing as they didn't hear anything from the room. Hoseok quickly twisted the door open and gasped seeing Jimin unconscious on the floor.

"Shit!" Yoongi ran inside the room to Jimin's side. He carefully slip out the toys and uncuffed his wrists. "Baby? Baby! Can you hear me? Wake up please!" He patted Jimin's cheeks in his palm. Jimin's face was so pale and- "Yoongi, he's burning up!" Hoseok exclaimed feeling Jimin's forehead warm. "Shit! Hoseok, prepare the bathtub in our room." The said male nodded before dashing out.

After a few minutes, Hoseok came back before helping Yoongi carry Jimin into the bathtub. He walked out of the bathroom to prepare their bed and get some clothes for Jimin with the older was bathing him. After bath, Yoongi wrapped the youngest in a towel before carrying him into their shared bedroom carefully setting him on the bed. He helped Hoseok dressed Jimin in his favorite long sleeved t-shirt and boxer.

He pulled out a first aid kit in the drawer to treat the younger's wrists which had red marks around it. He rubbed some soothing cream and bandaged them. He felt relief that Jimin's face was no longer pale but his fever is still there. He asked Hoseok to bring a bucket with cold water and a piece of cloth. He put the wet cloth on Jimin's forehead.

What both of them didn't expect was Jimin mumbling and crying in his sleep which concerned the two. "Yoonie...Seokie.." Both males eyeing each other worried by hearing 'that' nickname from Jimin but they both looked at him shocked as he cried. "A-Apple, please. N-no m-more. 'm sorry." They never thought Jimin would say his safe word. No, not like this.

They fucked up really bad.

In this story, their nickname 'Yoonie' or 'Seokie' are also apart of Jimin's safe word since he usually called Yoongi 'Daddy' and Hoseok 'Sir' during their intimate. This is a sign he wants a break.

For the apple one: Apple is Jimin's comfort food. When apple is used, it's mean Jimin wants comfort so it's a call for them to 'stop'.

Hope it cleared up for you.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now