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A few hours later, Jimin woke up having a panick attack. He doesn't recognize his surrounding and began crying. The door opened startled him. "P-please d-don't h-hurt me p-please." He hugged his knees tight. This sight really hurt Yoongi and Hoseok on how broken their boyfriend is.

Both of them approached Jimin slowly and Jimin backed away to the headboard. "P-please d-don't touch-h m-me." The elders nodded to each other before hugged Jimin on both sides. Jimin struggled and crying in their hold wanting to get away. "N-no! No! Help me! Hyungs!"

"Hey hey shh. Kitten, listen. We are here, baby. We are here. Listen to my voice. It's me. Yoonie hyung. Calm down. No one is going to hurt you. You're safe." Yoongi keep on whispering in Jimin's ear while Hoseok was stroking his hair and back. Soon Jimin's cries turned into sniffles as he calmed down starting to be aware of his surrounding.

He buried his face on Yoongi's chest crying softly. "H-hyung." Even he was still afraid of them, his heart wants them. His body wanted his boyfriends touches. Yoongi mumbled "I'm here." while kissing his hair.

"H-hyung. T-they they touch-h m-me." Jimin cried. "I-I am d-disgusting h-hyung." He sobbed. "Hey baby don't say that. You're not disgusting. They are. Calm down Minnie. They won't touch you no more." Hoseok rubbed his hand in his gently.

Jimin turned around facing him, still learning on Yoongi. Their heart clenched seeing his red and teary eyes. "P-promise?" Hoseok cooed softly. "Promise, baby." Jimin nodded closing his eyes still gripping on Yoongi's shirt. He felt dizzy and exhausted.

"P-please, d-don't p-punish m-me. I'm s-sorry. I won't do it a-again. I will b-be a g-good b-boy. I p-promise I-I w-won't c-cause you any problems and b-burden to you a-anymore." Jimin whispered as silent tears stream down once again. Yoongi passed a glance at Hoseok.

Jimin felt Yoongi's arms around him loosened and his body being passed to Hoseok. He opened his teary eyes looking at Yoongi, confused. Yoongi left a soft kiss on his forehead and cheeks before got up and walking out of the room. His heart break seeing the older walked out. Yoongi was angry. Negative thoughts are playing in his head non stop making him teared up.

Hoseok pulled him closer and rubbed his back. "Shh shh, don't cry. He's not angry at you, love." Jimin shook his head. "N-no. I-I di-disappointed h-him. I s-shouldn't have went h-home late. I-its my f-fault." Hoseok kissed his cheek and wipes his tears. "Hey, baby. None of this is your fault, okay. We don't know what might happen. Don't cry. We can talk to Yoongi later, okay? I'm sure he has his reason. For now let's sleep, hm?"

Jimin sniffles nodding his head. His head felt dizzy and exhausted from the crying. As soon as Hoseok tucked in on the bed, he fell asleep immediately.


Tbh your comments are the reason I decide to keep writing this story :) pls keep on doing it. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the story.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now