💔 23

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Yoongi and Jimin took care of Hoseok when he woke up in the evening. Both of them woke up at afternoon. Just like doctor had said, Hoseok got a bit fever and he told he felt lightheaded. They helped him to bath and feed him his meal and medicine.

In a few days, he got better but he will be staying at home. The order by Yoongi. As for Jimin, they themselves or a driver would sent and picked him from school from now on. Yoongi had increases the security around the house as he don't want another mistake. He became busy managing everything but never forget to have a time with his boyfriends. He learned that lesson.

A week after the whole thing, Jimin finally gathered all his courage to face them. The thing they always wanted to do.

Jimin inhaled before speaking. "We need to talk." He signaled Hoseok to stop when the older wanted to protest. "Just- just listen to me first. I want to. I know we need this talk. Only this- this time just hear me out." Jimin whispered the last part but they heard him.

Both elders nodded keeping their head down. They knew they need this if they want to know the truth and fixed their relationship. They didn't gave him chance to talk before so now they need to. They sat on the couch and looked at him patiently waiting for him to talk.

Jimin hugged his knees looking down. He inhaled. "Hoshin-" He gulped. "He...he had been bullying me since last year." He started. Both Yoongi and Hoseok perked their heads up. Last year?? "Why didn't you tell us?" Hoseok asked softly making sure that Jimin know they aren't angry on him. "I tried. But you guys were always busy so I gave up." Jimin's voice lowered as he buried his face further on his knees.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at him. Now they realized it. Jimin did try to talk to them but they were very busy back then. They now remember how they pushed him away saying "I'm busy.".

"At first he just verbally bullying me and forced me to do his homework. That time I could endured it all but then... It's starting to get physically. He w-would slap, kick and pushed me." Jimin poured it all. He tightened his fists on his thighs. "He- he was actually the one who pushed me down the stairs that time." He whispered.

Yoongi's and Hoseok's eyes widened and gasps leaving their mouths hearing the truth.

A few months back, they got a call from the school saying that Jimin had fallen down the stairs and sprained his ankle. Upon questioning, the younger lied saying that he accidentally slipped on the steps. But the truth is he had been pushed? That caused him to be absent for two weeks?

That's too much.

But Jimin wasn't done yet..

"T-that- that day, I was going to the cafe but he stopped and pinned me to the locker asking for his homework. I-I didn't do it because I didn't feel well and sleep early the night before." Jimin sniffled alarming the other two. "H-he pushed me and kicked me. He m-mocked my mother. I feel angry so I punched him. I-I'm sorry. I lost it." He sobbed.

Hearing his heavy cries was enough for Yoongi and Hoseok to rush to his side and embrace the younger, each on each sides. Jimin didn't protest as he really wanted them right now. "Shhh, you don't need to apologize, hun. We're sorry baby. We're sorry. We should have asked you first but instead we punish you so much to your limit. Please forgive us, baby. Please forgive me." Yoongi cried.

Jimin lifted up his head looking at the older. Tears continue to flow from Jimin's eyes as he spoke. "I-its hurt. It's hurt when none of you try to listen to me." His body was shaking so much with his sobs. "I-I'm u-used to the p-punishment b-but-"

Jimin was sobbing so much that the elders began to feel worried it could affected his breath. "Please kitten. Slow down. You're gonna break." Hoseok encouraged by holding the younger's hands and rubbing his back. But Jimin just shook his head rapidly.

They were about to protest but then froze on their place.

"A-am I really a s-slut?

Both Yoongi and Hoseok froze on their seat hearing the question.

Realization and memories dawned on Yoongi as he rewind that day. He doesn't even notice he called the younger that. Because of his anger, he said that. Guilt doubled up in both elders.

They both knew very well about Jimin's past and his discomfort about that word. How his abusive father called him that. They had a discussion before and been agreed not to use the word since few weeks of dating Jimin.

They hugged Jimin tight in between them. "No baby you're not... 'that'. I'm sorry I said it without realizing. I didn't mean to, baby. I'm sorry. I was too angry to see that." Yoongi rumbled kissing Jimin's head multiple times before apologizing again.

"So this was the reason for the safe word, right? I'm sorry Minnie. I'm a bad boyfriend. We're sorry, love." He continued leaving little kisses all over Jimin's face earning a few small giggles from the younger. He smiled.

Hoseok looked at both of them fondly. He tightened his arms around Jimin. "I'm sorry for not noticing it, Mochi. I should have be your 'sunshine hyung', your comfort but I failed it. I'm very sorry." He kissed the other's hair. "We will do anything for your forgiveness. I know we might not deserve it but we will do it. Even it's meant I have to die for you." Yoongi continued.

Jimin shook his head. "No no no I don't want you to die." Yoongi chuckled. "Okay okay. I won't." Jimin hummed as he stayed silent.

"You can give us any punishment you want. We will accept. We respect any of your decision. I promise, baby. We will do anything for you."

Jimin took a breath.

"I- I want to go to Busan."

Two more chapters to go.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now