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Double update just bc I love you guys😘

Taehyung stepped into the room standing next to the principal's table. Bowing the the other elders in the room. "Sirs and ma'am, I want to inform that Hoshin has been bullying Jimin all this time." He spoke earning shocked gasps from the parents and Hoseok while Yoongi is fuming. "B-but- Hoshin can't be doing that. He's a good son." Mrs Lee not believing this.

Taehyung take out his phone. "Here's the video of that day." They four watched the video which was showing Jimin and Hoshin were talking suddenly Hoshin slammed Jimin to the locker.

Jimin was walking alone to the cafe for lunch since he didn't have any friends. They think he's a nerd and weird so they don't get close to him. Suddenly he felt a strong tug on his hair yanking him backwards. He yelped before turning around to face Hoshin, his bully's smirking face.

"Where's my work, nerd."

"I-I d-don't-"

Taehyung who was also walking to the cafe saw this commotion and hide behind the wall. There's no one in the hallway as everyone else were in the cafe and he didn't dare facing the bully himself. So, he decide to record this as evidence. After all, this need to be stopped.

Hoshin slammed Jimin to the locker, a hand on his throat choking to smaller male. "So you're telling me you don't do it huh?!" Jimin was gasping for air before the other male shove him to the side causing him to stumbled. The male kicked his side a couple of times.

"Such a week slut you are. Are you doing to cry, huh? Are going to cry to your mom? Oh wait, you don't have a mom. So bad she left a rubbish like you." Hoshin mocked. This really triggered Jimin. Everyone can talk shit about him but no one can talk shit about his mother.

"L-leave me a-alone." Jimin coughed. "Huh? What is it?" Hoshin mocked. "I said leave me alone!" Jimin didn't know how he got some courage before he got up and punched him on the face.

The video stopped as a teacher found them and everyone know the rest of it. The parents are in shock seeing their son doing this. Hoseok as well but he broke it and asked Taehyung "Then why aren't you showing this earlier that day?"

Tae smiled guiltily. "After the incident, I fell down the stairs before I could report this and broken my ankle. I was in bed rest until today I decided to go to school." Taehyung said pointing at his casted feet.

Yoongi was fuming in anger. Anger on the bully and anger on himself. He punished the younger without even allowing him to explain. Now that he thought about it, he indeed saw a little bruise on Jimin's side that day but he was too angry to process it.

Taehyung also told them that Jimin had been bullied by the male for a long time but no one dared to report it because they're afraid to be bullied by Hoshin too.

"It goes on for a long time then he suddenly stopped bullying others but targeted Jimin only."

The meeting was ended. Mr Choi decided to suspended Hoshin for four months as the parents begged not to be executed because their finals and graduation are on another five months. They promised to take care of their son at home later themselves. The couple apologize to Yoongi and Hoseok for their son's behavior before exited the office.

Mr Choi also apologize and give Jimin another break for a week as per Hoseok request. Since Jimin is already a top student, it won't be affecting his grades much.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now