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"Sir!" A guard bursted through the door of Yoongi's office alarming him. "What?" "Sir! We got an emergency call from the mansion! Someone trespassed and kill all of the guards!" Yoongi felt his heart pounded in his chest.

Hoseok.. Jimin..

He quickly stood up and ran to his car driving back to the mansion. He ran in and was met with an utter silence. No presence of his boyfriends. His body tensed seeing the blood on the Living room's floor. His mind was running wild trying not to think of the worst possible scenario. His eyes suddenly directed towards the coffee table. There was a note. He pick it up.

The game is started. Come find us.


"What the fuck?" Just then his phone rang. It was an unknown number. He pick it up. "Hello."

"Well hello, AgustD." Yoongi gritted his teeth hearing the familiar voice. "You again. What do you want?!" He said angrily. The person of the other side chuckled. "Are you looking for your boyfriends?" Yoongi stilled hearing that. "Where are they? What the fuck did you do to them?!" he yelled angrily. "Why don't you find out yourself? But come fast because I couldn't hold myself longer you know? You got such a pretty and sexy boyfriend. Can't wait to taste him under me." The other person smirked.

"Don't you fucking dare touch him!" But the other didn't seem fazed. "Ah also the other one. You got a fierce one. I had to use some force on him. That hit must be painful." Yoongi tensed realizing the blood was belong to Hoseok. "Both of them look so good to serve under me." The person's voice turned to serious. "Come and find us. The clock is ticking." The call got cut off.

Yoongi cursed under his breath calling out his men.

"I will kill you for touching them."

Jimin opened his eyes blinking quickly by the fussiness in his head. His eyes roaming around the dimly lit room. "Where is.." Realization hit him as his eyes searching around for a certain someone. His eyes landed on a body laid not so far from him. "Hyung!" He quickly rushed to Hoseok's side taking his head onto his lap. The older was still unconscious. "Hobi! Hobi!" He shook the older male. 

Jimin's eyes widened seeing the dried blood behind his head and stained his lap. He untied Hoseok's wrist and keep trying to wake him up. "Please.. wake up." He began to teared up but Hoseok suddenly move. "Seokie.." The older let out a low groan trying to get up. Jimin helped him up. "Jiminie..." Hoseok looked around. "Where are we?" "I don't know." He looked up at Jimin checking him. "Did you get hurt?" Jimin shook his head. "But you are hurt Hobi."

"Ah.." Hoseok winched as he touch his head. "It's nothing. I'm fine, don't worry." "But-" The door suddenly opened as a person walked in. Hoseok went in front of Jimin glaring at the person. "You." The man from earlier stood in front of them. "Let me Introduce myself, sweetie. My name is Yosang." He smiled. "What are you planning to do? What do you want from us?" Hoseok eyed him. 

Yosang chuckled pacing around the room. "AgustD is the biggest Mafia in Korea. I envy him so much." He stopped and turned to them. "I want to take revenge. I want his position." "Because of that you decide to kidnap both of us. What he had done to you?" Hoseok said putting a hand on Jimin's thigh to help him calm. Yosang expression turned into anger. "What he had done? He killed my brother!" He yelled scaring both of them. 

"He won't kill innocent life. Your brother must had done something wrong then." Yosang chuckled. "I don't care. Well, I already sent a message to him. Let's see how he gonna get his precious boyfriends back." He left from there locking the door. Hoseok tried to maintain a calm face. He can't panic in front of Jimin. He had to protect him.

He prayed Yoongi to find them as soon as possible. He must already noticed their absence right now. He gripped Jimin's hand tighter in his. His head was still throbbing from the hit. He knows he can't protect Jimin long enough in this condition but he must try.

Please save us, Yoongi.

Double update✌🏻

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