💔 11

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Yoongi and Hoseok ride home with heavy hearts. Disappointed, guilty, angry and worry lingering in the air. Disappointed because Jimin didn't tell them. Guilty because they punished him too far. Angry on themselves not noticing anything.

It was already 6 pm when they reached home as they stopped at the company first to settle some things and to take a week break to focus on Jimin. The younger should be already home by then because school ended at 3.

But, to their surprise Jimin was nowhere in the house. "Jimin!" They yelled for him checking in their rooms and other side of the house.

Jimin was walking home alone in the alley. Hoshin had locked him up in the washroom again until one of the janitor opened it for him. It's already late and getting dark. He walked in the dark alleys as a short cut, praying to not bumping with some strangers. But luck really wasn't with him as two men approaching him.

Jimin knows they aren't drunk and having bad intentions on him. "Hey cutie. Where are you going huh? A cutie like you can't be this late alone." One of the men spoke smirking evilly. Jimin backed trying to ran away.

Unfortunately another man grabbed his arms and harshly pulled Jimin towards him, hugging the younger from behind. Jimin struggled but the man's hold tightened. "Come with us, cutie. We can have some fun." The man whispered in Jimin's ear before licking on his earlobe. The poor boy was shaking and at the verge of crying.

"L-let go of m-me please." The man in front of him smirked. "You ain't getting nowhere, cutie. Not before we taste you first." He said as slide his hand on Jimin's part and the other man licking on his neck. It was enough to cause the younger to cry out sobbing trying to push the man away. "Please no please!"

He was praying for his boyfriends to save him from this two men. The man behind him pulled out a knife and ripped Jimin's shirt open. Slightly missed on his arm and blood running down. Jimin cried out from the pain trying to ran away from them but failed as he was pinned down onto the cold alley floor.

Jimin closed his eyes sobbing hard as both men continue to touch him. One of them went to pull his pants off but then the weight on him suddenly gone and he heard some pained groans. Those men hands were no longer on him instead, a warm hands wrapped around him. A jacket was being placed over his shoulder.

Jimin cried loudly recognizing the familiar scents of Hoseok, gripping onto his shirt. "H-hyung." Hoseok rubbed his back softly. "Shhh you're fine. You're save, baby. I'm here. It's okay." He continue whispering reassuring words in the youngest ear until he fell asleep out of exhaustion.

Hoseok picked up Jimin his arms and turned to Yoongi who was beating those two asshole until they're out cold. He called his men to collect those two men to their basement. Yoongi huffed before looking at Jimin in Hoseok's arms noticing the blood on his arm through the open cut on his shirt.

They immediately got home and called their personal doctor to checked on Jimin. Later on, the doctor called them into Jimin's room. "How is he?" Hoseok asked as the doctor walked out. Doctor sighed before answered. "I want to show you something." He lifted the blanket which was covering Jimin's bare upper body. Both elders were shocked to see his body.

Jimin's chest and stomach were marked with some bruises but the main thing caught up their eyes are on the younger's arms. Yoongi teared up running his finger softly on the skin. He never thought Jimin would do this to himself.

It's not over yet🙂

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now