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Next morning, Jimin woke up his body was sore. He noticed he was in their shared bedroom but his two boyfriends weren't there. He noticed it was past 9 in the morning assuming they had gone for work since it's still weekdays. Jimin sighed as he had missed school today. He teared up as he tried to sit up feeling the pain on his back and bottom. Winching on every steps towards the bathroom holding the wall for support.

Once he fresh up, he carefully limping his way downstairs meeting with a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He slowly walked in there and there is Yoongi standing near the stove cooking. "Why are you up from bed, baby?" Jimin flinched at the voice behind him turning his head around to see Hoseok standing there concerned. Yoongi also turned around hearing Hoseok and spotting Jimin.

"Kitten?" He turned off the stove before walking towards Jimin. Both his and Hoseok's hearts break seeing Jimin stepping back away from them. Fear evidence in his eyes. "I-I'm s-sorry." Jimin whispered with his head down low. "It's okay, baby. Let's eat, hum? Then we'll check on your wrists and fever, okay?" Hoseok spoke gently. Jimin nodded before slowly walked to the dinning table.

Hoseok and Yoongi shared concerned glance at each other and on Jimin seeing how the youngest was limping badly. They both keep in mind that they need to fix this. The three ate in silence. Jimin would either silence or nodded when they ask something. He only eat half of his breakfast but none of the two complain.

After eating, Yoongi ask Jimin to wait for them in their bedroom while he picked up some things and Hoseok cleaning the dishes. He didn't fail to notice the fear in Jimin as he nodded and rushed upstairs.

He picked up a first aid and went onto their room seeing Jimin sitting at the edge fidgeting with his sweater paws nervously. Seems to be in thoughts. "Baby." The younger flinched before turning to him. Yoongi sat against the headboard patting his lap. "Come here." Jimin crawled across the bed and carefully sat on the older's lap.

He froze feeling the other's hand on his waist pulling him closer. "Let me see your hands, baby." Yoongi said opening up the kit and examine Jimin's wrists putting on some soothing cream and wrapped it. Once done, Hoseok came in with some pain killers and some other meds for his fever with a glass of water for Jimin. The younger obeyed and swallow the pills with water.

Feeling sleepy from the medicine and his already exhausted self, both males made him lay down and tucked him in the blanket. Seeing his doze off state, they kissed his forehead before heading out downstairs.

This going to be a tough journey...

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now