💔 19

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The breakfast on the next day felt so tense. Everyone were so silent. Hoseok collected their plates to wash. Yoongi wore his jacket for work even though Hoseok asked him to stay home, he refuses. He reassured that he didn't have any Mafia work today so he just gonna be at the company. Hoseok agrees because he could drive them together. No way he gonna let Yoongi drive.

Yoongi was about to walked out when a hand tugged his jacket. He turned around seeing Jimin. He was a bit suprised as the younger would go out straight away after breakfast. "Yes, baby?" Jimin looked hesitated before spoke. "Can... can you drive me today?" Yoongi was shocked as he asked that but smiled immediately. "Of course, hun. But Hobi is driving today though. How about you wait by the car while I called him?" Jimin nodded walking away.

After dropping Jimin at the school, both drove off with a smile on their face. This going on for a few days where the younger would ask them to drop him to school everyday. This brought happiness to both Yoongi and Hoseok.

Maybe... just maybe everything is gonna be okay....

Jimin was laying on the couch doing a revision with his book as he got a test on the next two weeks. Hoseok was folding the clothes in their room. Only the two of them were at home. It was about 8 p.m. and Yoongi got some Mafia works that he needed to do. Hoseok was finishing up when he suddenly heard Jimin shouted. "HYUNG! HELP!"

He quickly got up and ran downstairs. As he got down, a body hugged him tightly. "H-Hyung." Jimin's body trembled as he hugged him tighter. Hoseok embraced him. "Hey, baby. Hey. What's wrong? What happened?" A pained groans was heard and a man wearing all black stood in front of them. He looked like he was in his 30's. "You little shit. How dare you kick me!" Hoseok pulled Jimin behind him protectively. "Who are you?!" The man looked at him before smirking. "Wow. I don't know he got two boyfriends. So sweet." He laughed. 

"What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing here? How do you get in?" Hoseok glared at him. The man stop laughing and looked at them evilly. "Ah too many question, sweetie. First of all, I came for him." He pointed at Jimin who whimpered gripping on Hoseok's shirt. The older hold his hand and rubbed it trying to sooth him. He then looked back at the unknown man. "What do you want from him?" The man just laughed.


Both of them tensed hearing the name from his mouth. "I heard he got a boyfriend and I planned kidnap him for revenge but I don't know he got two. What a surprise. I guess I need to take the two of you." Hoseok gritted his teeth. "Then what are you gonna do with us?" The man smirked. "Simple. Both of you going to serve for me." Hoseok glared at him. "Never! I'm gonna call the guards." The man laughed then two other men appeared beside him. "You ain't escaping from here, sweetie. My men are everywhere." Hoseok cursed under his breath.

"Get them."

The two men approached them. Hoseok pushed Jimin back to the corner and charged at them. He might not be a mafia but he had companied Yoongi training before. He bravely fought those men kicking and punching them. He stopped as he heard a scream coming from Jimin. he saw that unknown man held Jimin by his neck and a gun pointed to his head.

While Hoseok was distracted, one of the men came behind him holding a rod. "Hyung, watch out!" Jimin yelled but its too late as the man hit Hoseok behind of his head. "HOBI, NO!" Jimin struggling from his restrain. Hoseok dropped to the floor groaning painfully. Trickle of blood ran to his neck. His vision blurred.

He felt his hand being tied up behind his back. The last thing he saw was a cloth was pressed on Jimin's mouth and the younger gone limp.

And everything gone black....


This story ain't getting over on 20th chaps at this point 🤦‍♀️. Well let's just see how it's goes then💁🏻‍♀️.

- Sae

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now