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"Jimin! Come have your breakfast or you're gonna be late for your appointment!" Hoseok shouted from the kitchen. Loud patting of feet coming down the stairs. "Ready!" The smaller said cutely flopping on the chair.

"Morning Hobi." "Morning sweetie." Hoseok placed his breakfast and pecked his forehead. "Now where is that grumpy old man huh?" Jimin giggled. Just in time Yoongi came down and they have their breakfast together.

"Hoba, do Mimi needs to go?" Jimin asked pouting as Hoseok tied on his shoes. The older eyes softened. "Mimi doesn't want bad dreams anymore right?" Jimin nodded. "Then Mimi needs to go. I know doctor is scary but Hoba and daddy will be with you okay?" Jimin pouted but nodded. "Okie." He reached out his hand. "Wan uppies please." Hoseok smiled before lifting the younger up on his hip.

Jimin was a little. A person who regressed into the state of childlike mind as a coping mechanism. In this case, Jimin regressed because of stress and this was how he coping with it. Jimin slipped into 3 to 6 years old. Both Yoongi and Hoseok knew about this because this wasn't the first time Jimin had regressed.

The first time was when they first being together. It was because of the abuse of his father. Over the years Jimin stopped regressing as he didn't felt the feeling to regress. His boyfriends had make him very happy and stress free.

But, the recent incident triggered him to regress back again when he was in Busan. In littlespace, both boyfriends were his caregivers. Jimin called Yoongi, daddy and Hoseok, dada but sometimes he used different nicknames for them. Jimin used 'Mimi' as his little nickname and often spoke in third person.

(This is not sexual! If I see you thinking like that, I will hunt you🔪🔪) -Sae

Now back to them,

They all ride in Yoongi's car together. So much had happened during the whole month. The two of them keep their promise to earn Jimin's forgiveness. They had given their punishment. Yes, Jimin's absence to Busan was their punishment. Yoongi and Hoseok wasn't really sure but it was what Jimin decided so they just agreed.

Jimin wasn't allowed to lock his door or the bathroom. He also needs to be with any one of them at all time. He didn't complained and agreed to the rules because he knows it's for his safety. Even though that, they respected his private boundaries when he was in the bathroom or changing clothes.

Jimin became very clingy. He can't sleep if one of them was missing. Feared that someone would came and hurt him. Not that Yoongi and Hoseok would allow that.

He don't usually woke up little since he had school and everything. He would be little when he came back. But it's a different from weekends. Just like today they got Jimin's first appointment with his psychiatrist. They decided to consult a psychiatrist for his trauma as he got nightmares almost everyday.

"Park Jimin."

Jimin stood up as his name being called by the nurse. Gripping his boyfriends' hands tightly, they entered the doctor's room. "Ah, hello there. Have a seat." A tall and broad male wearing a white coat greeted them. They all sat facing the doctor.

"My name is Kim Seokjin. I will be your doctor from now on. You must be Jimin?" Seokjin said seeing how tight he was holding Yoongi's and Hoseok's hand while he sat in between them. He smiled easing the tension. "And you gentlemen?" He looked at Yoongi.

"You probably heard about us. I'm Min Yoongi and this is Jung Hoseok. We are Jimin's boyfriends." Yoongi introduced. "Ah, I do heard lot about you guys. My husband always talk about you." Seokjin smiled easing the tension.

Jimin who was silent decided to spoke. "Your husband?" Seokjin smiled. "Well, he worked with your boyfriends. His name is Kim Namjoon." Jimin gasped. The three of them were shocked. Namjoon worked at the company as a producer like Yoongi and also a solo rapper.

They all know Namjoon was married but they never asked about his husband. Jimin squealed excitedly. "Wow! Really? You're RM hyung's husband??" Jimin was really a fan of RM. Even Yoongi would felt jealous sometimes because of that. Seokjin smiled nodding. "He always talked about you guys especially this cute boy here." Jimin blushed slightly. 

Yoongi scoffed mentally planning to talk to Namjoon later. Hoseok saw all of this trying to contain his laugh. He knew how jealous Yoongi could get just by mentioning the other rapper.

"Now, let's start our session."

The session with Jin went through smoothly. They held a session once a week. Opening up was a challenge for Jimin but he was slowly warming up to the older.

"Hobi! Yoonie! Hobi! Yoonie!" A very excited Jimin ran into the house as the driver dropped him home. He jumped onto Hoseok's arms who was welcoming him. "Hey, hey baby. What's got you so much excited about, hm?" Hoseok asked kissing his head while adjusting his weight on his hip. 

He could tell Jimin was already close to slip into headspace. "Where's Yoonie?" Jimin's voice tone was a bit higher as he was in between little and big headspace. Hoseok smiled. "He's in our room. We can go there if you want." Jimin nodded already slipping into headspace. "Want daddy, pwease."

Hoseok brought him upstairs and into their room seeing Yoongi reading a book against the headboard. The older looked away from his book as the entered. "Daddy!" Jimin wriggled out of Hoseok's hold and ran to him. Yoongi catches him putting the younger on his lap. "My baby is so extra excited today and why is that? Would you tell daddy, hm?" He made a thinking face making Jimin giggled.

Hoseok chuckled sitting beside them. "Uhm! Big Jiminie hab good news!" "Really? So, does little Mimi will telling Hobi and Yoonie what is it?" The younger nodded happily before slid off from the bad and to his school bag that Hoseok brought earlier. He took out something from his school bag and hid it behind himself.

"But daddy and dada need to close their eyes. No peaking!"

Both Hoseok and Yoongi laughed at his cuteness but nonetheless complied and closed their eyes. Jimin placed a piece of paper in Yoongi's hand. "Okay both can open your eyes."

Yoongi looked at his hand reading the paper. His eyes widened. He heard a gasp from Hoseok as he too saw it. It was Jimin's result paper. He had passed his exams with 90+ for each subjects. Hoseok immediately pulled the younger into a hug. 

"OMG we are so proud of you, baby!"

Jimin finally graduated a few weeks later along with Taehyung. Taehyung been helping Jimin so much on trying to knock down his walls that he built from his trauma. Jimin was glad having a friend like him. Taehyung also knew about Jimin's little space and always keep an eye on signs in case he suddenly slipped in class.

Jimin did once before and Taehyung made sure he was safe until the class ended.

Jimin's sessions with Jin were going smoothly. The elder helped him a lot. He thought the younger how to deal with his panic attacks on how to calm himself and many more.

He doesn't need to worry anymore. He had two boyfriends who love him so much and he wouldn't want any else.

We learned to forgive but forgetting was the trickiest part. But that doesn't mean you can't let it stop you from living your life. Be free and do what you want.

So Jimin doing the same.

"We're sorry baby. We love you"

"Mimi loves both Yoonie and Hobi too!"

We're Sorry, Baby


I'm thinking of writing a bonus but Uni becoming busy with work nowadays so I won't promise anything. Let me know if you want it.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoy reading even the book wasn't perfect enough. Please look out my other stories in the future too.

Signing off:

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now