💔 17

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Hi guys sorry for the late update. This story had gone through a huge construction as I have read your comments and suggestions on the story. I tried to include it in the future chapters. Tbh I don't even remember about Tae until someone pointed out👀🙃

"I'm done." Jimin said pushing his half finished plate from him. Both Yoongi and Hoseok looked at him and then his half eaten breakfast. "Jimin, eat your food more. You don't eat much last night." Hoseok spoke to him. Jimin just shook his head. "I'm going." He stood up from his seat grabbing his school bag. "Wait!"

Too late, Jimin already ran out. Both of the men sighed. It's been a week since the whole thing happened. Nothing. Nothing they could get from their youngest boyfriend. Jimin was silent and didn't talk much. Just a few nod head shake if they ask something. He avoided them so much. He didn't sleep with them anymore.

He was still afraid but deep down Yoongi and Hoseok knew he was more upset. They knew he might be already guessed that they knew about the bullying. They were a bit sad by his silent treatment but they deserve it. No one ever speak about the incidents happened yet. They couldn't find the right time as Jimin keeps running away.

Jimin walked in the hallway and into the cafeteria. He could hear some people whispering around him but he couldn't care less. He sat at his usual table far side from people. He looked up when the chair beside him being pulled. A boy came to sit beside him.

"Hi. Can I sit here?" The other boy greeted him. Jimin nodded. "Hi." No one ever greeted him before so he was a bit awkward. "My name is Taehyung. Nice to meet you." Taehyung smiled. Jimin slightly smiled at him. "I'm Jimin."

Jimin and Taehyung got very close to each other. They learned they have a few classes together. They always meet up together at the cafe or just chilling at the school garden. And just like that a couple of weeks passed.

"So... what are you gonna do?" Taehyung blurted out of the blue. Jimin looked at him. "Huh?" "Are you gonna keep running away?" Taehyung continued and looked back at Jimin. Jimin's eyes widened before he looked away. "I-I-"

"Tell them."
"Tell them. Talk to them. You always smile in front of me but I know you are hurting." Jimin stayed silent. "Keeping it inside wouldn't help. It would hurt more." Taehyung pulled Jimin in a hug.

The rest of the day, Jimin had been thinking about what Taehyung had told him. He didn't know how to approach both of them. He couldn't deny the ache in his heart whenever he was with them. He was afraid but he was also sad. Upset and disappointed how they had acted to him that day.

He walked his way back home slowly. He avoided quiet alley and walk to more bigger and public sidewalk. He learnt his mistake. His steps were slow as more thoughts caught up his mind.

"Jimin!" A scream was heard when Jimin stepped into the house. A hug was thrown around him but he didn't backed away. He sighed quietly. He missed this. "You are almost an hour late! Where did you go? Did something happened?" The hug was pulled away and he was met with Hoseok's worried face in front of him.

Jimin stayed silent as he looked at the older's worried expression with a blank eyes, deep in his thoughts. He snapped out of it when someone move out his hair. He gazed at the person. Yoongi. "Baby? What happened?" The older frowned cupping Jimin's face.

He knew that they wouldn't pressure him to talk about it and he was grateful for that. But, he thought that they need to talk. To clear everything. He didn't want to live in this fear and insecurities anymore. He wants to be free with his boyfriends again.

And that's what he going to do today.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now