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Jimin hissed as Yoongi treated his hand. Hoseok was back hugging him tight and would rub and kissed Jimin's hair from time to time to soothe him. Yoongi pulled out a roll of bandage and wrapped it around Jimin's left arm and wrist. Done with the left one, he moved to his other hand.

Jimin's fist had a few small cuts where he had punched the mirror. The blood had stopped so it was easier for Yoongi to clean and treat it. He bandaged it quickly and as Jimin about to pull his hands back, Yoongi to them in his. Jimin softly gasps when Yoongi places some kisses over his bandaged hands.

Jimin slightly blushes feeling a tingling feeling in his stomach. "Alright it's all done. How do you feel, hun?" "B-better." He whispered. He yelped, surprised when Yoongi picked him up bridal style suddenly before walking out of the room and went downstairs. Hoseok followed behind, already guessing Yoongi's plan.

Yoongi placed Jimin slowly at the dining table. "Are you hungry?" He asked looking at Jimin. "No-" The younger was about to lied before Yoongi cut him off. "Stay here. I'm going to make something." Yoongi left into the kitchen leaving a dumbfounded Jimin. Hoseok chuckled seeing the elder's behavior.

This was how the older wanted to improve himself. He is the man with action more than words. He was trying to show Jimin how much he care for him, how much he loves him, to show Jimin how he worth everything in this world.

Hoseok also went into the kitchen to help Yoongi. The oldest make a kimchi fried rice with eggs for their lunch as he knew Jimin loves it especially it's Yoongi who makes it. Hoseok also cooked some meat to eat with the rice. Yoongi scooped the rice into three bowls for them and placed it on the table. Hoseok doing the same with the meat.

They all sat down at the table and begin their lunch. Jimin was hesitant to eat at first especially when he has a bandage on his hand, before a spoon came near his lips. It's Yoongi. "Open up." Jimin blinked at him before slowly opened his mouth, eating the rice.

Yoongi ended up feeding him and he didn't even notice he ate a whole bowl. They also give him a glass of his favorite chocolate milk. Now, they're all sitting in the living room, planning to watch a movie.

Jimin felt really awkward but he loves the attention he's getting from both of his boyfriends. He hesitantly leaned back on Yoongi who was now holding him. He began to feel relaxed. He released a content sigh leaning more towards Yoongi's chest as he was sitting on the older's lap.

I'm feeling unmotivated to continue this story but I don't want this to become another discontinued story just like my previous story (which already deleted). I know some of you really liked this story. So I want to finish it before my university start.

I already have the plot planned but if you have any plot suggestions please let me in the comments. I would appreciate that. Also, I want some suggestions on what Yoongi and Hoseok's punishment could be. Could be individual or for both of them.

P/s thank you for your kind comments. I really appreciate it.😘

From: Author Sae🤍

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