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Muffled cries and moans echoed throughout the room. Jimin had his face buried onto the bedsheet, on his knees and ass up. Both wrists cuffed behind his back. All naked.

He winched as another pain strike onto his bottom by Hoseok who's holding a leather whip. The older had gotten home a while ago as Yoongi called him about what happened.

"Aren't I ask you to count, Kitten. I guess you already forgot that hum? Should we start from the beginning?" Yoongi chuckled spanking the youngest's ass hard. Jimin whimpered. "I-I'm sorry D-daddy. P-please no more. I'm s-sorry."

They have been doing this for the past two hours and Jimin was sore from the position and also by the countless spankings as he always forgot to count.

Resulting them to start over again and again. His ass was already read as some small bruises started to appear. It was a bit too much but Jimin didn't want to use the safe word yet as he could still handle it.

He was so in thoughts and yelped as he was pulled up by his hair. He felt his body roughly turned around on his back by Hoseok. His wrist ache as it's still cuffed behind him.

He tried not to put too much weight on them but failed as he's feeling weak. He gasps loudly as Yoongi trusted in him without warning. "D-daddy!" He moaned loudly from the rough feeling as the older picked up his speed.

As Jimin was very close to cum but he felt something being thighed around his member. He looked down to see Hoseok slipped a cock ring around him preventing him from cumming. "W-why Sir?" He sobbed. "This is your punishment for getting in a fight, kitten." Hoseok chuckled.

Jimin's breath hitched. Why was he getting punishment by something he hadn't done? "But I don't fucking start it!" He unknowingly shouted but regretted it right after seeing the anger in Yoongi's eyes.

Boy he knows he fucked up.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now