💔 22

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I forgot to update. Sorry.


A gunshot was heard. Jimin closed his eyes for the pain but it never came. A yell was heard and Yosang's arms around him loosened that he dropped to the floor. He looked back seeing Yosang holding his bleeding hand and the gun was on the floor. Yoongi ran towards him and throw a punch on his face hard enough to knock him out. "Baby, hey." Yoongi went towards Jimin and hug him snapping him out from his shock.

Yoongi and Jimin rushed to Hoseok who was laying on the floor. "Love, are you okay?" The older worriedly asked gently giving him support. Hoseok nodded weakly and winched slightly as he moved. His body was paining and his head was dizzy. "I already called the doctor. You will be okay." Yoongi pecked his forehead and then on Jimin's. "Are you hurt anywhere, baby?"

Jimin shook his head. "No, hyung protected me." Yoongi smiled turning to Hoseok. "I'm so proud of you, love." He hold him up in his arms bridal style. "Let's go home." Jimin stood beside him locking his arms around Yoongi's as they walked out. Yoongi's men already settled the rival gang either they died or captured. They brought the unconscious Yosang to their basement.

Yosang underestimated the power of the AgustD so he needs to pay for it.

The boyfriends get into the car and the driver drove them home. Hoseok had fallen asleep on Yoongi chest while Jimin leaned against his shoulder with eyes closed but not sleeping. Their hands interlocking with each other. No one said anything but the silence was comfortable and warm.

Once they got home, Yoongi brought Hoseok to their room. The doctor was already there and checked on him. Yoongi and Jimin had to wait in the living room. It was late around 4 in the morning. The other knew the younger was tired. "Jiminie, you're tired. Do you want to sleep?" He said but the younger shook his head. "Hobi.. wanna wait."

He wanted to wait and make sure Hoseok was okay. He had protect him and get hurt. He fiddling with his fingers while in thoughts then a hands hold them. He looked up seeing Yoongi. "Hyung.." "It's okay. Our Hoba is strong. He will be okay." The older said weakly.

Jimin saw how Yoongi was holding himself so he just hugged him. "Just.. just let it go." As soon he said that, he felt his shoulder get wet. Yoongi was crying. "I thought- I thought I would lose both of you. *Sob* I-I- was afraid I will lose you." Jimin could feel himself teared up. He had never seen Yoongi cried but now he was and Jimin could only imagine how afraid he was.

Both of them stayed there for sometimes until the doctor called them. They walked in their shared room where Hoseok was laying on the bed. A white bandage wrapped around his head. Jimin came and sat next to him on the bed while Yoongi stood behind him.

"The wound behind his head was a bit deep so I need to stich it up. Unfortunately it got a bit infected as it wasn't treated immediately. So, my note is he would be feeling dizzy for a while but it will eventually go away. As the wound got infected, he might get a fever for a few days. I already injected some vitamins in him so he will be okay." The doctor explained.

"He also got a couple of bruises on his stomach but it will recover in a few days. I suggest you to apply this once a day." He gave a bottle of cream to Yoongi who took it. "Other than that, he is healthy and will recover soon." Yoongi bowed his head thanking him for his service. His bodyguard lead the doctor out leaving just three of them.

Yoongi took out some clothes and change Hoseok with the help of Jimin. Frowning slightly seeing the bruises. After finished dressing him up and tucked him back under the covers. He turned to Jimin rubbing onto the tired boy's head. "You should sleep too Minie. It's Friday so I will just call the principal to excuse you for today." He said softly.

The younger sleepily nodded. "Can I sleep here with you?" He hesitantly asked. Yoongi just smiled. "You don't need to ask baby. This is your room too." He helped him under the blanket and kissed his forehead. "Just sleep." "And you? Where are you going?" Jimin hold his hand as he was about to go. "I will just fresh up. I will join you later." The younger nodded letting him go.

Yoongi quickly went into the bathroom and came back after doing his routine. He cooed at seeing Jimin had fallen asleep hugging into Hoseok. He could tell the younger was trying to be gentle. It was almost 5 in the morning. Yoongi just sent a message to the principal regarding Jimin's absence for today. He made sure to close the curtains making the room dark knowing the sun will rise soon. He don't want his boyfriends' sleep being disturbed knowing they had been through so much and needed the rest.

"My babies." He pecked both of their cheeks before slipped in behind Jimin spooning him. And then he fall asleep.

I'm disappointed on myself on few previous chapters. I should have do better. *sigh* Hope you like it although it's not the best chapter. I tried.
Don't worry everything will be okay soon.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now