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Tw: Blood

They burst through the door of Jimin's room panicked seeing the younger wasn't in the room. They rushed to the bathroom and saw Jimin was sobbing on the floor, mumbling 'sorry' repeatedly with blood all over his hands. Both of them rushed to his side. Yoongi looked around the room seeing the mirror was broken into pieces onto the sink countertop. Blood was stained around.

He looked at Jimin who was sobbing in Hoseok's arms. He felt tears getting in his eyes. He understood it all. Jimin had hurt himself again. By the looks of it, he had punched the mirror, breaking it into pieces. He had taken one of the glass pieces and hurt himself.


Jimin flinched before started crying again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Yoongi signaled Hoseok to carry him to the bed while he went out fetching the first aid kit. He came back into the room and sat next to Hoseok who still had the younger on his lap. His top was getting stained by Jimin's blood but he didn't care.

"Baby, look at me please." Yoongi called softly. Jimin shook his head. Yoongi sighed. "Jiminie, I'm not mad at you, love. Not me. Not Hoseok. Okay?" He smiled a little after getting a small nod from Jimin. "Now, show me your hands baby. So I can treat them." Jimin shook his head.

This situation was so hard for Yoongi. He was not used and inexperienced on comforting people. That's why it's fair to them to have Hoseok in their relationship who did most of this kind of thing. Both of them are pretty much polar opposite yet so perfect for each other.

Hoseok stroked Jimin's hair softly. "No sweetheart. We wouldn't be mad at you. I promise we're not. I'm not and so is Yoongi. We want to help you, baby. We want to help you feeling better. Would you allow us that?" He spoke trying to help Yoongi.

Jimin wasn't longer crying but was still hesitating. He really wants to feel better but there's still something in him wasn't letting him to open up to them. His hands were throbbing and he's getting dizzy.

He wants to be back as they used to be. Him getting cuddles and kisses from both his boyfriends everyday. He loves it whenever they touch him, praise him, telling him how much they love him in every words, every action they do.

He wants it.

"Y-Yoonie." Yoongi was surprised as Jimin called him as he slowly turned around facing him. Jimin extended both his hands towards the older. Yoongi softly smiled at him and hesitantly went to place a kiss on Jimin's forehead. He smiled wider noticing the younger wasn't backing away from him. Jimin closed his eyes feeling Yoongi's lips on his forehead almost instantly warmth and comfort rushed through his body.

He won't regret this decision, right?

Well, I tried to finish this book by 20 chapters but let's see how it goes.

We're Sorry, Baby (YoonMinSeok) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now