12 - Distance

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See You Again - Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth

I stare at the wall of my bedroom, the one with nothing on it besides the TV stand and TV

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I stare at the wall of my bedroom, the one with nothing on it besides the TV stand and TV.

This was the fifth time today I had found myself here.

I flip open my journal, reading the entry from yesterday one more time, trying to force myself to believe that this was real.

Wednesday, October 16th, 2022.

It's been two days. Two days since the sassy 15 year old, who made inappropriate jokes and liked to play "Get Low" in her hospital room- and attempt to dance- left us. She's gone. I don't know what to do. Losing patients was always hard but, especially Erica. I'd watched her fight cancer for the past 4 years. It sucked.

My fingers ran over the dried ink as I took in a deep breath, trying not to cry for the third time in the past forty-seven minutes.

I hadn't talk to anyone.

I sobbed in my mothers arms for a couple of hours and then made her leave. I wanted to be alone. I didn't even want to talk to Christian, no matter how hard he tried. Nora wasn't talking to me. I wasn't taking to her. In fact, I'd been fucked up most of yesterday. Logan dropped off Chinese food for me about an hour ago but I'd only been able to eat a couple of bites before I felt like throwing up.

I felt selfish.

I felt distanced from the world.

I didn't want to be here right now, and that was selfish.

If I could trade my life for her's.. I would, in a heartbeat. She didn't deserve to die, she'd barely lived. She'd never gone out on a date. She'll never get to know what it's like to be in love. To have her heart broken. To watch her little brother grow up. To grow up, herself.

I wanted to break something.

So, I was gonna.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing all of the plates I'd owned. I didn't want them anymore. They were Ethan's anyways.

I grabbed my keys and I headed towards the door. As I walked out of the apartment building my eye caught the one person who had been on my mind the most recently.

"Brinley? Why do you have plates in your hand?"

"I'm going to break them." I say, walking past him.

"Cool. I'll come." Christian says and I unlock my car.


"You shouldn't be alone right now.", he says, putting his hand on my door to stop me from opening it, "Just.. Let me come."

I sigh, looking up at the sky, "Fine." I say before he smiles and runs around to the other side of the car before hopping into the passenger seat.

"Jesus, who the fuck was in here last?" He asks and I look over at him.

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