19 - Follow Up

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"Hi Dr

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"Hi Dr. Simmons!" Charlie yells as Dr. Simmons walks in the room, with Dr. Bennet behind her.

"Hi Charlie!" Dr. Simmons smiles, sitting down on the hospital bed next to Charlie. "Are you ready for your last test?"

Hopefully it was her last.

"Yes!" Charlie exclaims, swinging her legs.

"Alright, let's go!" Dr. Simmons says, helping her off the bed and placing her in a wheel chair.

"Shouldn't take long. And then we'll be able to see the results while she's in the middle of the test. So, don't worry Dad, you'll know soon." Dr. Simmons says, giving me a soft smile.

"Okay, thank you." I say, sitting down in the reclining seat.

They walk out of the room and a couple of minutes later, Nora comes waltzing in. "Hey!" She says excitedly. "Big day today!"

"Yeah." I chuckle, leaning back in the seat. "Big day this weekend, for you." I say and she grins.

"That's actually why I'm here. So, two of Logan's family members can't make it anymore. So, we have two open seats at your table. I talked to Brin, and we both decided that you can invite Elsie and James, if you want. That way you won't be at a table with a bunch of strangers." She says and I nod.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I like Elsie, so I'm glad it's worked out this way." She says, smiling at me.

"Okay, I'll let them know and get back to you."

"Cool, just have Brin tell me." She says and I nod. "Do you need anything? Food? Water? Ice cream?" She asks with a small laugh.

I shake my head, "I'm alright, thanks."

"Okay, they really shouldn't be that long." She reassures.

"That's what they said." I nod my head towards the glass sliding door.

She'd already had her follow up appointment an hour ago and now they were looking to see if surgery worked.

Let me tell you, I was praying. I was praying really fucking hard.

And they weren't wrong. It only took about fifteen minutes before a nurse that, I didn't recognize, came pushing Charlie in the wheel chair.

"Hey Sis, how'd it go?" I ask as she crawls across the bed to face me.

"Good! I got a sucker. And they put me in this big bed. It was huge!" She says, opening her arms out to her full wingspan.

"Wow, that is big!" I say. I tapped my foot anxiously while I waited for the doctors to come back with the news.

My anxiousness skyrocketed when a knock sounded through the glass and Brinley slid it open. Her eyes had tears in them and my stomach dropped. She turned to me, a chart in her hand. I leaned forward still tapping my foot.

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