32 - My Boyfriend the Famous Hockey Player

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*DOUBLE UPDATE* If you have not read chapter 31, go and do so now!!!

"Brinley Cameron?!" I hear a higher pitched, male voice echo behind me

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"Brinley Cameron?!" I hear a higher pitched, male voice echo behind me.

I turn around, and my eyes widen. "No fucking way!" I yell as he walks towards me. "Kayden Sanders?!"

He walks up to me, a grin on his face. "Oh my gosh!" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. "How old are you now, 17?"

"Yep." He says.

I ruffle his hair, "Gotta girlfriend?"

"Sure do." He says, grinning at me. "I'm riding tomorrow, you gonna come watch?"

"Wouldn't be Christmas week if I didn't."

"Cool. Stella's here somewhere." He says looking around the horse trailers.

"Hold on, Stella Rae?" I ask and he grins. "No shit!"

"That's the one."

"Tell her I'll come find her in a bit." I say and he nods.

"Hi Brinley!" A couple of boys yell that I recognize yell from behind him, waving.

I wave back, "That's my cue. I'll see you later."

"Bye Kayden. I'll drag you over to my parents later." I say and he nods.

"I count on it."

"Was that Kayden Sanders?" Nora asks, walking out of the bathroom.

"Sure was."

"I feel old." She says, adjusting her cream colored, wool cowboy hat.

"Ladies, got your nice boots on I see." My dad's voice echoes towards us as I see him walking with Charlie in his arms.

"Of course we had to pull out the Stetsons." Nora says, tipping her hat at him.

"Stetson hats and boots." I add.

"Only the best." He winks, handing Charlie to me. "Someone wanted to say hi."

"Hey Cutie!" I say as she hugs me.

"Hi Brinley." She says, pulling back a little and playing with my hair. "Are you gonna ride your horse fast?"

"I am." I say and she grins.

"Okay." She says, reaching back for my dad.

"Can you wish them luck?" He ask and she nods.

"Good luck!" She says, giving us a thumbs up.

"Thanks Cutie." I say before they turn around and start walking back to the bleachers.

"She's so cute, I can't." Emery says, readjusting her horses saddle.

"I know." I say, turning to Lorelai, I untie her from the trailer.

I grab onto the horn and cantle of the saddle, placing my foot in the stirrup, I hoist myself up in one smooth and quick motion. Once I'm seated and comfortable I check her reins one last time before making a clicking nose with my tongue, she takes a couple of steps backwards before turning.

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