BONUS CHAPTER - Baby's First Christm- *Hockey Game

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**Please read Author's Note at the end of chapter!!**

**Please read Author's Note at the end of chapter!!**

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2 months later...

"How do you look that good after just having a baby? After I had Adelyn, I still looked nine months pregnant when she was two months old.", Elsie examines my postpartum stomach.

I roll my eyes, "You definitely did not. Especially considering you looked six months pregnant, when you were nine months pregnant. I looked like a bloated whale."

"You looked adorable. Still do. Anyways, you excited to go back to work?"

"No,", I pout, "I don't wanna leave him."

Elsie pats my hand, "It gets easier, I promise."

I huff, "Yeah, till he hits the clingy years. Then it gets hard all over again."

Max is sleeping peacefully in the bassinet stroller. He was swaddled and inside a Bugaboo Inlay with a creme hat on his head under the Alpine Muffy's. A couple of muslin blankets surrounded him for extra warmth and his pacifier was already starting to slip out.

"Here's your drinks, Mrs.Brooks." The server appears from beside me.

"Thanks Noah.", I take the cups from his hands.

"Mrs.Rennard, I'll be right back with yours and then your guys' food should be here soon."

"Thank ya." He smiles politely before walking away.

Sitting in box seats or suites definitely had its perks. Of course we'd rather be closer to the glass, but with the kids it's easier to watch from up here, where it was a bit quieter.

"You know nobody is going to be surprised when you post about Max tonight, right?"

I nod, "Yeah. It's just better to be formal about it. According to Kelly, we'll have to deal with less press that way." Christian's publicist was good at her job but, boy, does she piss me off. She thinks she owns Christian, even though Christian is paying her. Not the other way around.

He's wanted to lay her off a couple of times but I told him no. She may be a bitch but she does good on the publicity side. Not that Christian really needs a publicist, he doesn't get into trouble and never really has.

"Mommy, I want a pretzel." Charlie looks up from playing with Adelyn.

"It's on its way baby."

"Okay." She says before turning back to Adelyn and their scattered babydoll accessories. They were sat on the floor, on a blanket at our feet. Our little hockey girls were just living the life every week.

"Can I hold Bubby?"

"Not right now baby. He'll be cold."

"Aww, okay."

Adelyn ditches the playtime and puts her arms up for Elsie.

I look down at Charlie. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

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