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For My Daughter - Kane Brown

For My Daughter - Kane Brown

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3 years later...

"Daddy!" Charlie's little voice echoed towards me as I hopped off the ice. She clapped her hands, wiggling herself out of my mom's grasp. She ran over to me as I kneeled down, embracing her in my arms.

"Hi munchkin, I missed you." She grabs my face, planting a kiss on my lips.

"Pizza?" She asks.

"Sure, baby." I say and she claps.

"I can take her while you go change and shower." My mom offers, putting her hands out.

"Thanks." I say, smiling appreciatively. "Time to go back to Mamaw." I say going to pass her back over.

"No!" She yells, her face turning red.

"Hey. No, we don't yell." I scold her and she starts crying.

"Just go, I got her." My mom says, practically forcing her out of my arms.

I quickly head to the locker room, ripping off my gear, showering, and changing.

"Hey man, tell me how her appointment goes." James Rennard, my best friend, says, patting me on the back on his way out.

"Will do." I say, shortly following after him.

I walk out, seeing my mom holding Charlie's in her arms, talking and laughing. Charlie sees me and instantly reaches for me. "Hi baby." I say, kissing her cheek. "Ready to go?" I ask and she nods.

"Alright, thanks Mom. I love you. I'll talk to you later." I say, kissing her on the cheek.

"Bye Mamaw." Charlie's says, waving.

"Bye Sweetie, I love you."

"I watch PJ!" She exclaims, referring to PJ Masks.

"You did? Without me?!" I pinch her cheeks, making her laugh loudly, throwing her head back. Her dimples showing on both cheeks.

I am happy to say, she doesn't resemble her mother all that much. Thank God.

"Sorry!" She says, smiling at me.

"You little stinker!" I say, tickling her side. She lets out a big belly laugh.

"Daddy! Stop it!"

I stop, my mood changing to serious. "Okay Charlie, remember what we talked about earlier this morning?" I ask and she nods. "I'll be right there the whole time, you have to let the doctors do their job." I say and she just nods again.

"Understand me?" My voice was gentle but stern.

Once the toddler era began, I quickly learned that yelling did nothing but stress both of us out. A more gentle and calm but stern approach worked best, for the both of us.

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