Epilogue II

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1 year later

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1 year later...

"Look at my ice cream Daddy!", Charlie exclaims, holding up the ice cream Lego set she'd put together.

I lift her up, resting her on my forearm against my chest "That looks so yummy!", I pretend to eat it and Charlie pulls it away with a giggle.

"No Daddy! It's not real ice cream!"

I slowly make my way into the kitchen, "Where's Mama?"

"In da bathwoom."

"Which bathroom?"

"Upstaiws.", I nod, making my way towards the stairs.


There's silence for a minute before, "Yeah!", echoes down the stairs.

I make my way up, two steps at a time before walking into Charlie's room. I set her down, "Make me another one, okay?"

Charlie sits down in front of the scattered Lego pieces on the floor, "Okay Daddy!"

I turn and walk out of her room and into Brinley and I's and head straight for the bathroom. I know what she's doing in there.

I lean against the door frame, "Hey."

Brinley looks up from the tile floor and stands up from the edge of the tub, "Hi..."


She shakes her head, a sad look on her face. A frown immediately takes over my face.

We'd been trying to get pregnant for a little under a year now. We knew with everything we'd have to do to even get pregnant, we needed to start trying as early as we could. It'd take time for it to even happen, then throw in the fact that Brinley has a less chance of carrying a baby to full term the older she gets.

It's been a hard, hard journey. For all of us. But, mainly Brin.

We've had four miscarriages, many, many negative tests, and don't even get me started on the amount of shots Brinley has had in the past year.

I don't know why God has made it this hard, but, I do know one thing. Brinley is the strongest person I have ever met. Between her job and not being able to have any more kids of our own, it's been mentally and physically draining and emotional. But, Brinley is so fucking strong, she puts me to so much shame.

I remember the first positive test we got...

"Christian, I'm pregnant."

"Really?", I smile.

Brinley nods, a look of worry flashing across her face, "Yeah."

I also remember the day we lost that same baby...


"Hmm?", I look up from my phone to see tears streaming down Brinley's face. My eyes lock on the blood stained pants in her hand. "Oh..."

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