24 - Emotionally Yours

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A knock on my door grabs my attention

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A knock on my door grabs my attention. I put the cap on my lipstick back on, checking the time. 6 o'clock.

Jesus Christ, he's an hour early.

I walk out of my room, tying my satin robe. I unlock the chain on the door, before the regular lock and open the door, expecting for Easton to be standing there.

The only reason I agreed to go on this date was because I'm 99.9% positive that Christian not kissing me at the wedding was his way of letting me down easy. The only reason he danced with me was because I practically forced him to. Then, the baby shower. He ignored me, the entire time. So, yeah, I'm going on a date- as a distraction.

My brows knit together as a partly soaking wet Christian Brooks stands in front of me. "What are you doin' here?" I ask, leaning against the partly open door.

"Don't go." Christian says and my brows pull together even more. Maybe I was wrong?


"Don't go on the date, Brinley." He says and my mouth parts.


"I don't want you to." Christian states, shoving past me to walk into my living room. Sure, come right in Chris.

"So, I'm just not supposed to go.. Because you don't want me to?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest.

I didn't know if I should be pissed, confused, or happy.

"Yes."-turning to face me, Christian drips water everywhere-"And because, you don't want to go."

I scoff, "I'm sorry? Since when do you know what I want?" I ask, leaning against my kitchen counter.

"I think I've known the whole time. I've just tried to run away from it." He says, looking at the ground for a second. Christian slightly kicks his heel into the floor as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Run away from what?". I knew what. I just wanted to hear him say it. Christian goes to open his mouth but stops himself. "Say it, Christian." I say, stepping towards him.

He swallows slowly, throat bobbing. "This.", he motions his hands between us, "Us."

"What about us?"

"You know what."

"I want you to say it, Christian."

Christian sighs, rubbing the back of his neck, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I want you, Brinley.", he confesses, "And I know you want me too."

That I did.

"So, will you just shut that pretty little mouth of yours for once in your life, and let me kiss you?"

I can't stop the grin from forming on my face as I nod.

Christian wastes no time in cupping my cheeks before he slowly leans in. I close my eyes in anticipation, grabbing ahold of his forearms. His lips finally meet mine for the first time.

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