27 - Mama Approved

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Brinley's eyes widen as she sits up all the way

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Brinley's eyes widen as she sits up all the way.

I reach over grabbing my phone, and sure enough, there are Ring notifications about someone in the driveway and at the front door.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I say, running my fingers through my hair.

I jump out of bed, rushing to throw sweatpants on.

"What do we do?" Brinley asks as I throw her a t-shirt and sweatpants.

"I don't know. I mean, we can't hide."

"Christian!" My mom yells from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yell back.

"This is so not how I wanted to meet your mom." Brinley says, awkwardly chuckling.

Suddenly the door swings open and Charlie comes running in, "Daddy!" She yells before she stops in the middle of the room.

My mom appears right behind her and Brinley and I stand there like a deer in headlights.

"She wanted to..." My mom's voice drifts off when she sees Brinley, who thankfully, was dressed. "Oh... I didn't know you had company."

"Brinley!!" Charlie yells, running over to Brinley. She hugs her leg as Brinley pats her head a few times.

"Hi Cutie."

"What are you doing in Daddy's room?" She asks and Brinley freezes. "And why are you wearing Daddy's shirt?"

"Uhh..." She looks at me, eyes wider than ever.

I try to come up with something and for the love of God, I couldn't.

"I spilled coffee on my shirt." She quickly says.

"Oh. Hold me." Charlie says, reaching her arms up.

Brinley picks her up, placing her on her hip.

"Are you Daddy's girlfriend now?" She asks, playing with a strand of her hair.

"Umm..." Brinley says, looking over at me.

"Yeah Sis, she is." I say.

Whether she knew it or not. I wasn't letting go of her, ever. Plus, it was easier to just tell the three year old that she was.

"YAY!" Charlie cheers.

My mom clearing her throat catches my attention.

"Christian, a word." She says, nodding her head towards the door.

I look towards Brinley who nods.

"Can we go play?" Charlie asks. Perfect timing Sis, thanks.

"Of course." I hear Brinley say as I follow my mom down the stairs.

She walks into the kitchen, "Sit." She says and I do so without hesitation. "What are you doing Christian?" She asks and I sigh. "She's your girlfriend? Is that really a good idea?" She gives me a stern look, leaning against the kitchen counter.

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