17 - Sisters and Misters

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Come Back, Be Here - Taylor Swift

"So, what's new with you? Any boys?" I ask and Emery's cheeks immediately turn bright red

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"So, what's new with you? Any boys?" I ask and Emery's cheeks immediately turn bright red. "Emery! There is?!" She dips a tortilla chip in the queso before shoving the chip in her mouth, a cute little grin on her face. "What's his name?"

"Gino. He's a student from Italy. I don't remember how to say his full name.. It's complicated." She says, a smile on her face as she talks about him. "We met at the grocery store on campus late one night. We were both craving whipped cream..."

"Awe. You guys had a meet-cute." I say, grinning over at my little sister.

"We did, didn't we?"

"Tell me about him." I say, turning the volume down on the TV.

"He's 24. He's here for the full school year. Um.. oh, his grandparents basically raised him. He has a little sister that's is 16. She's currently in Germany."

"He sounds cute. Do you have a picture?"

"Obviously." She says, unlocking her phone.

She turns her phone towards me to reveal a guy with jet black curly hair, he's got some scruff and he's wearing glasses. "Awe. You guys are cute."

"Yeah well, I don't know what we are. It's complicated. Maybe he'll get his shit together and finally tell me how he feels during the spring term."

"Or.. You could tell him first.." I suggest.

"Fine. I'll tell him, when you tell Christian." She says, the corner of her mouth quirking up into a smirk.

"That's different and you know it."


"Well, one: he has a kid. Two: he's a professional hockey player. Three: I don't know, it's just complicated."

"Brin... He has a kid. It's perfect, if you think about it." She says, shrugging her shoulder.

"I don't know. I shouldn't think like that. That's a big deal, Emery."

"It's not totally crazy though."

"Just, shut up and eat your fajita." I say and she chuckles.

"You know I'm right."

"We're changing the subject now."

"Fine. Is Nora nervous at all?" She asks, shoving another chip in her mouth.

"Not yet. I think she's just stressed right now." I say, taking a bite of my chicken chimichanga.

"Ah. I wish there was more I could help with right now."

"Don't. You've got school. That's stressful enough as it is." I say and she nods.

"You da best, girl." She says, giggling.

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